Y'en a partout des chars de 300 000$. Et change ta luminosité/teinte/contraste, c'est de mauvais goût.
He heard Boustan was closing so he got his best car and suit to eat!
if i could afford a 300k car i would valet park that shit all the time...
funny but not true i hope . I mean for Boustan...
The car is probably the only one of its kind in montreal.
Pas mal...y en par tout...!partout, r u serious son. C'est une amie qui a pris la photo sur ingram
Pas mal...y en par tout...!
Anyway c'est pas dans le 180k cette auto?
lol trust me with a 300K car you wouldn't want to leave it with a valet
Boustan's is already sold/ the building which he also owned... It will remain open under new management