Accident driving a relative's car


New member
I just got into a fender bender while driving in my mom's car (she was not present with me). The other driver was completely at fault; made a "constat à l'amiable" on a white paper, stating it was his fault.

I was driving down Lorimier, and a van came off the shoulder/right lane. It hit the rear-passenger quarter, and tore the bumper right off.

Now my question is, will this change anything on who is "at fault," since I'm driving a car that does not belong to me? (but I had consent to drive)
Which insurance should I make the claim with? I'm guessing my mom's, cause they are the ones covering the car. I am not listed as a "2nd driver" for the car.

Thanks for any help at all.
I just got into a fender bender while driving in my mom's car (she was not present with me). The other driver was completely at fault; made a "constat à l'amiable" on a white paper, stating it was his fault.

I was driving down Lorimier, and a van came off the shoulder/right lane. It hit the rear-passenger quarter, and tore the bumper right off.

Now my question is, will this change anything on who is "at fault," since I'm driving a car that does not belong to me? (but I had consent to drive)
Which insurance should I make the claim with? I'm guessing my mom's, cause they are the ones covering the car. I am not listed as a "2nd driver" for the car.

Thanks for any help at all.

Do you have your own car?

The fault belong to the other person not you, regardless the car belong to you or your mother.

The claim gonna be on your mom's insurance.
Everything I needed to know, thanks!

Je n'ai pas d'assurance en ce moment à cause que mon auto est remisé.
Everything I needed to know, thanks!

Je n'ai pas d'assurance en ce moment à cause que mon auto est remisé.

Ok, comme j'ai dis le claim va être au dossier de ta mère (elle peut s'attendre à payer un peu plus chère à son prochain renouvellement même si cela est non-responsable).
le claim va peu etre au dossier de ca mere, mais son nom va tout de meme apparaitre au dossier...been there done that

accident avec vehicule de cie moi etant le chauffeur avec un autre vehicule...reclamation seulement du cote de l'autre vehicule

Et j'apparait au dossier

En passant si tu demeure encore chez ta mere ..... la grande majorite des cie d'assurance ne couvre pas

Il ne couvre pas avec autre chauffeur resident a la meme adresse
OK, merci guys pour l'info! On viens de faire la réclamation. Faut attendre un rappel lundi...