Video Audi R8: Follow the Leader


Staff member


This video is a work of art and is well worth a watch. Do not expect any crazy sounds, action or even to hear the car itself. It could almost be characterized as a love story between two people which is so weird for this type of video. (Must be watched on youtube).
ok p-e que c'est parceque ce ''poeme'' ne vient pas me chercher mais je ne voit aucunement le lien de l'histoire avec la audi? mais bon mon opinion a moi c'est que c'est assez lame comme video mais bon c'est juste une opinion!
^^ i dont get it.. whats up with the cash at the beginning?? looks like he dropped her of at the clinic afterwards..
its a metaphor im presuming, kinda like men paying for prostitues she is paying for a "thrill ride". I think its a hotel of some sort bope