Best BMW dealer montreal


New member
Looking into getting a Bimmer this year, just wondering which in your opinion is the best dealer? Heard Canbec and Laval are terrible, wanna hear form personal experience from people on the forum. Thx

Side note, why are there so many low mileage used 435i in yellow for sale??
Meilleur? Tellement relatif... Tu vas avoir de bons commentaires comme des mauvais sur à peu près tous les dealers de la planète.
I can't say enough good things about Laval. There are two other dealers closer to where I live and I drive to Laval simply because I've never ever walked out of there dissatisfied.
Canbec... Never again
Vas pas là si tu veux garder ta santé mentale

Envoyé de mon SM-N920W8 en utilisant Tapatalk
La seule raison pourquoi il y a plusieurs 435i jaune à vendre c'est parce qu'ils sont jaune.
C'est l'édition M performance produites en quantité limitée.
Theyre all terrible in their own ways. BMW West Island parts never answer the phone, Laval is snooty/rude. Canbec doesn't want to deal with you at any level. Laval was great until they sold a massive chunk of the business. Now its lousy

My sister swears by Blainville after the incident at Laval...

I wish you could buy factory direct and avoid them.
I can't say enough good things about Laval. There are two other dealers closer to where I live and I drive to Laval simply because I've never ever walked out of there dissatisfied.
You also pick up press cars from Laval and Dinan Canada is BMW Laval haaaaaa
Ca depend avec qui tu fait affaire, a bmw Laval, Sam au service est plus qu'excellent, Pat et Michel aux pieces sont super aussi. Faut pas oublier qu'ils doivent dealer avec des voitures plus ou moin fiable et des clients souvent pas content / chiant.
Laval fucked me with a CPO 135i and a non oil change done, plus the windshield had a ship that was not repaired when I took delivery of the car...
Park Avenue Brossard et Hamel Blainville sont les deux meilleurs d'après mes experiences. Le pire Canbec et West Island close second.
Je suis allé une fois a Laval pour magasiner et l'expérience était moyenne. C'est gros oui mais c tout.
had a horrible salemans /manager combo at BMW laval...

but that was 3 years ago and only 2 out of 100 emplyees.... ... but still ... fuck em
Terrebonne has a BMW dealer?

Hamel is kinda far from montreal...

Any comments for Sainte-Julie in the south shore?

Based on you guys Canbec and West Island are out of the question then, Laval is 50/50.

Thanks again!
I recommend Park Avenue Brossard, I picked up at least 5 BMWs (M3, 525, 535, 750, 328touring) from the same sales guy (John Datillo) who is great and the service guy is awesome (Mike Lazzara).
I recommend Park Avenue Brossard, I picked up at least 5 BMWs (M3, 525, 535, 750, 328touring) from the same sales guy (John Datillo) who is great and the service guy is awesome (Mike Lazzara).
Always had great service at park avenue parts department also!
I've gone through Canbec my last 3 cars and have had amazing sales and service.

If you want to go through my sales rep, who's a car guy and tells it to you straight (what he can and cannot do).... PM ME... he's actually now a manager on the Mini side but can still deal BMW cars.

My mom's actually picking up her 2017 X1 tonight from him.

Dealership reviews are a bit complicated because its the same thing as saying "Who's best, ROGERS/BELL/TELUS" .... everyone will jump in and give their impression but the problem always lies in the same places
-What expectations did the client come in with
-Who served them (in terms of experience and etc.etc.)
-What was discussed and HOW (a lot of issues come from COMMUNICATION) "Hey I want a car with this this this... and on delivery the person realizes OH SNAP I DON'T HAVE BLUETOOTH STREAMING WTF" yes the sales rep should have asked but so should have the client if it was that important

my guy knows me by now and knows what I'm willing to compromise on and what I'm not... when I was shopping around, he knew my budget... he knew what options I need as a minimum and what I can pass up on (In my case I passed up on Mpak I and II, and to be honest I have more than enough power and handling now that I look back... that extra 5k would have been overkill)

as far as service goes, when buying or leasing new, you get pretty much everything covered during the first 4 years... my service guy plays ball with me as well. Nothing a bottle of red or whiskey can't do.

You would all be surprised how a little gift can get you that extra help/service/lower prices

That being said though.... I wouldn't deal with BMW West Island after a personal situation that turned me off completely with them (I was looking at a 328 coupe at one point and I could tell the car in question was repaired (rear panel/bumper and driver side door) and the guy told me its not, when I asked him to bring the little meter thingy for the paint, he refused and started to try and get rid of me, I know its isolated but I know someone else who has a similar story and a few MR members have their stories as well...)
Theyre all terrible in their own ways. BMW West Island parts never answer the phone, Laval is snooty/rude. Canbec doesn't want to deal with you at any level. Laval was great until they sold a massive chunk of the business. Now its lousy

My sister swears by Blainville after the incident at Laval...

I wish you could buy factory direct and avoid them.

You also know my story with BMW laval lol. I used to SWEAR by them but lets just say because of my last experience i would NEVER ever even get close to buying anything from that dealership.