Got there pretty late, around 3:35, saw Alex as he was pulling out of the parking lot. There were still a few cars but most people had left, sucks to have missed so many awesome cars but I'll make sure to make it there earlier next time. My son also had a blast and even if we were there just for a short time we bought a smoothie from the coffee place to support the event.
J'ai vu plusieurs membres MR:
-Alex666 aka Brian o'Conner mon super BFF forever
Meanteg je croyais te croiser quand je suis allé voir Alex mais tu n'étais pas avec lui?
Prochaine fois!
Très beau lineup, belle organisation, j'ai mis quelques visages sur des username :bigup:
C'est qui le dude de la lotus sur MR ?
C'est qui le dude de la lotus sur MR ?
Même chose pour moi![]()