News: Cops investigating sprint-car incident reportedly involving Nascar Champ Tony Stewart

Attend la fin de la course pis va regler tes problemes dans les pit christie de cave...

Ces pas la premiere fois qui a des conflit dans le sport automobile, pis tout le monde on ete assez '' intelligent '' pour attendre d'etre dans les pit pour se tapper sa gueule.

Comme ça...
Certainly sad to see a racer die in this way, it's not Stewart's fault: dark suit, poorly lit racetrack, dirt in helmet visor (possibly) and a driver walking on track where he's not supposed to...

I don't think Stewart meant to spray the other driver with dirt, sprint cars tend to be more easily steered with the throttle than with the steering wheel because they have a spool and lots of midrange torque. He possibly accelerated on purpose to steer away from the other driver, not to spray him...

Like Alex said you're not supposed to get out if your car isn't on fire.
News headlines!

Cops investigating natural selection process of evolution! Mother nature and her accomplice Tony Stewart to be prosecuted if investigation proves foul play.

Tony Stewart will not be racing at The Glen today.

I've been a fan since the mid 90s when he was racing IndyCar. Anger has always been an issue with Tony and it finally got the best of him last night. Yea he might have been trying to spray Ward with dirt but I don't see him intentionally running someone over giving up everything he's worked for. Was there a lack of judgement call? Yes. If you look at the original incident Tony ran Ward up high. There was NO contact between the cars. NASCAR has glorified drivers getting out of the car and fighting each other. If I anything Ward was just a product of said glorification. You also don't walk on a poorly lit track, in a black firesuit inches from where cars are still driving.

Tony's driving career is over as far as I'm concerned. Shocked Eccletone hasn't called him up offering a job..

I tend to agree that it seems like he just wanted to spray or scare him but unfortunately for him that should still be a charge of manslaughter. For example if I decide to show off by drifting in a parking lot and accidentally kill someone I'd be going to jail. I doubt he'll get any jail time because he's rich though. It's unfortunate.
Se mettre mettre devant des chars de course sur de l'asphalte c'est une chose, les voitures sont directes et les temps de réaction aussi, mais se mettre devant des chars qui drift en spinnant dans la bouette, faut pas être une lumière.

L'histoire de "Il voulait juste lui lancer de la bouette" j'accroche pas dutout désolé je sais pas où vous voyez ca dans le vidéo mais moi je vois un gars qui a crissement pas eu le temps de réagir et qui lui a rentré dedans.

Et comme j'ai mentionné plus haut il aurait fallu le voir PAS MAL d'avance pour avoir le temps de faire quoi que ce soit tes pas sur de l'asphalte la...

RIP pour le gars mais ils la cherché pas mal...

Se mettre dans le chemin d'un char qui spin dans la boue c'est comme sortir de ton char après un carambolage dû à une plaque de verglas sur l'autoroute...T'aura beau être debout sur la plaque de verglas et pointer du doight le char qui s'enviens en glissant vers toi...Ca va finir mal.
I tend to agree that it seems like he just wanted to spray or scare him but unfortunately for him that should still be a charge of manslaughter. For example if I decide to show off by drifting in a parking lot and accidentally kill someone I'd be going to jail. I doubt he'll get any jail time because he's rich though. It's unfortunate.

Yes but the CSR does not apply on a race track and arent the waiver forms (I know its not a "get out of jail free" card) but they are made aware of the risk and waive their rights to many legal clauses.
lol. no. in car racing you get off the track after a crash. drivers are actually tested to make sure they can get up on out in under a set amount of time.

wrong, very wrong.

The only exception to the rule of staying in your car- is if it is on fire!!
Tony Stewart will not be racing at The Glen today.

I've been a fan since the mid 90s when he was racing IndyCar. Anger has always been an issue with Tony and it finally got the best of him last night. Yea he might have been trying to spray Ward with dirt but I don't see him intentionally running someone over giving up everything he's worked for. Was there a lack of judgement call? Yes. If you look at the original incident Tony ran Ward up high. There was NO contact between the cars. NASCAR has glorified drivers getting out of the car and fighting each other. If I anything Ward was just a product of said glorification. You also don't walk on a poorly lit track, in a black firesuit inches from where cars are still driving.

Tony's driving career is over as far as I'm concerned. Shocked Eccletone hasn't called him up offering a job..

I agree on all points. Except Tony will still be racing.

Ward was seeing red mist and acted poorly- even if wronged by Stewart- you have to give the benefit of the doubt to a 20 year veteran..... and stay in your car- its safer!!
You are supposed to stay in the car under all but one circumstance when you get into a crash on a racetrack. Wait for the response team to arrive to you before getting unbuckle and out. Unless, and this is the only exception, your car is on fire, then you get the fu*k out.

I wonder where you last heard this in a drivers meeting?
Je comprend pas pourquoi Ward est frustrer de meme direct en partant!! C'est une course!! Les accrochages sa fais partie du sport, il me semble évident que Stewart n'a pas fait exprès de lui rentrer dedans (les 2 fois) et je ne comprend pas non plus a quoi Ward pensait de se mettre devant le char de Stewart! En plus je me dit que sur une piste de meme, de soir avec les spotlights dans face pis la bouette dans visiere, pis un gars habillé en noir, ta visibilité doit pas a 100% :dunno:
lol. no. in car racing you get off the track after a crash. drivers are actually tested to make sure they can get up on out in under a set amount of time.
ca ete dit et redit.... never ever you get out your car .... unless its on fire ....

and never ever you run toward a fucking car ... espacially when your dressed in black ... on dirt with cars that have no clutch no brake and almost no steering wheel with a low visibility driving position !

Attend la fin de la course pis va regler tes problemes dans les pit christie de cave...

Ces pas la premiere fois qui a des conflit dans le sport automobile, pis tout le monde on ete assez '' intelligent '' pour attendre d'etre dans les pit pour se tapper sa gueule.
non tabarnac il y a pas de probleme a reglé ... racing is racing. Il y a pas de tapage de yeule ou de lancement d'insulte. Les vrai batailles sont remporté au drapeau a damier ...

selection naturel thats it thats all this guy was an idiot !
Ward points at Stewart, then moves towards the center of the track. One of the car passes him close, then he moves even closer!!!

Let's say stewart saw him early on and slowed down as he was approaching to give him the finger through the window or something? We saw that often, especially with NASCAR drivers.

What was he supposed to do when Ward then decided to jump directly in front of him while he is NOT on the throttle in a Sprint car?

You can hear him blip the throttle, sure. He might've wanted to spray him with dust, or just trying to kick the back of the car away from Ward.

Either way it's a tragedy that could've been easily avoided.
Btw ce genre de situation la arrive tres souvent en stockcar/dirtracing/sprint/nascar, etc...

Faut comprendre que les voitures sont assez robustes et il y a beaucoup de tamponnage volontaire donc c'est facile de sortir quelqu'un de la course sans risquer la tienne.

Et BTW ceux qui écoute le Nascar savent que Tony Stewart n'est pas un enfant de coeur....

Anyway tout ca pour dire que les esprits se sont échauffé comme ca arrive régulierement mais la, par malheur un pilote a été tué. Il faut etre idiot pour croire que Stewart voulait atteindre Ward.