Bah un R32 on peu pas dire que c est si slow que ca quand même !
Probablement le commentaire le plus stupide que j'ai lu en 2013 à date.
We have a winner!
hey look at that, another vw that look like every other featured vw
Welcome to MR
J'aimerais ça que le monde qui disent que le char est laid mettre des photos de leur char svp.
Je ne dirais pas que ce sont des POS, mais qui se ressemblent tous? très certainement.
one thing that's for sure is that trends come and go but power never gets old. A golf ben normal with a vr6 turbo is always gonna be nice
dunno man i've seen some pretty crazy stuff here though. Francis Tassé's 1035whp supra, mateo's 605whp type-r, thundergod's 702whp 300zx, that new UGR lambo with over 1600whp at st-eus etc. True theres alot of trendy ppl around here but there's still quite a few respectable cars none the less. Maybe not like in texas but still lol.Of course, power will never go out of style, and proper cool neither. A fad though, THAT wil go out of style... And that's the problem I see. All the cars we get on the scene are all fad, no cool. No one in quebec makes HP, no one in quebec makes something creative. People here do not trail blaze, they read magazines and copy what someone else has done. In my book, a 300hp TDi is a lot cooler than any bagged and rimmed mk4, just because it pushes the boundary of what's been done, unlike the other '' scene '' cars that are copycats.
Look at the 4bt diesel 240sx convertible that I posted... That's completely crazy, and that's going to be cool forever, just because it took some bullocks to do that.
J'aimerais ça que le monde qui disent que le char est laid mettre des photos de leur char svp.