What's the farthest you've ever driven one your gas light came on or your range went to 0 km?
Five years ago I was in the Canadian Rockies driving an '08 rented Altima and we hit zero on the range. The next gas station was just under 70 kilometers away and we made it. I think the range is literally 70 kilometers for that vehicle once it hits 0 so we were very lucky.
Here is a pic of the car and also Pato lake which we stopped by just because it's insane.
Five years ago I was in the Canadian Rockies driving an '08 rented Altima and we hit zero on the range. The next gas station was just under 70 kilometers away and we made it. I think the range is literally 70 kilometers for that vehicle once it hits 0 so we were very lucky.
Here is a pic of the car and also Pato lake which we stopped by just because it's insane.