Article: Farthest you've ever traveled after gas light came on?


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What's the farthest you've ever driven one your gas light came on or your range went to 0 km?

Five years ago I was in the Canadian Rockies driving an '08 rented Altima and we hit zero on the range. The next gas station was just under 70 kilometers away and we made it. I think the range is literally 70 kilometers for that vehicle once it hits 0 so we were very lucky.

Here is a pic of the car and also Pato lake which we stopped by just because it's insane.



J'étais sur Décarie la lumière allume, mon rdv était à st-Colomban et je suis revenue a Mtl sans mettre de l'essence j’avais pas mon portefeuille shiiit avec un Volvo s70
M'y Tacoma does 110km steady, I've tested it more than one time (once the cops gave me a lift the other I had a jerry can)

My Jetta ran out of gas after 46km so it really sucks as I can't even get to work when the light goes on.
2 weeks ago, driving back from Toronto in the E55 lol....

Left Toronto with 1/4 tank. Gas light comes on at Trenton. Made it to Kingston LOL

Range only hit '0' about 15 km's away... so not the best comparo.
light on: 35km miss gaz on the 401 while towing my toyhauler :(

normally plan to do 50km with no stress on any car.

55km with my Z1000 2003 (1km away from the gaz station...pushed it)
sur une A4 2012 dans le temps, quand le trip computer disait: autonomie 0, j'ai fait 35km. La lumiere allume quand il reste +- 50km donc total de +-85 km

Sur l'ancien char a ma femme ( miata 2001 )*10km la lumiere allumé et on a pousser la voiture...
I've never really tested it, but when my fuel light starts flashing on my Scion IQ, it only needs around 22L to fill up, on a 32L tank. Theoretically i should be able to do around 200KM before the tank runs dry.:yikes:
I've read that it's better not to run out of gas with a modern car because some of them have a special process that needs to be applied when starting up from empty or you can burn the fuel pump.

Actually from what I read some cars will actually shut the motor off before running out of gas to protect the fuel pump.

Is this true?
Lors d'un road trip en Gaspésie avec un mazda speed protégé j'ai fait 80km la lumière allumé et 830km avec le plein. Je voulais tester l'autonomie de l'auto et j'avais un petit bidon d'essence avec moi alors pas de stress
I think around 120kms in a 2011 Mitsubishi Outlander. Total on this tank was around 700kms I believe. Poor preparation during a cross-Canada road trip, we hit a long stretch with no gas stations in the middle of the night. Ran out of gas about 15kms out of Moose Jaw. We ran out of gas a second time, later that day on the windy roads driving around Lake Superior. Less than 400kms total on that tank.
Quand j'ai acheté mon GTI en février. évidemment le proprio me l'a laissé avec peu d'essence dedans mais mettons que j'étais tellement excité de repartir avec que j'avais pas trop cheker ca. Sur la route de Sherbrooke jusqu'à l'autoroute 20, le low fuel light allume, je me stress pas, on est pas dans le désert. Finalement comme de fait pas une maudite station-service au allentour.. je voyais mon autonomie chuter... 20km..10km..5km..0km.. pas le choix on prend la prochaine sortie... comme pas miracle on a vu un couche-tard... de mémoire la tank est une 55L et j'ai rentré 53.8 litre dedans!

Autre fois en roadtrip sur la route 17 entre Santa Cruz et San Jose(jamais vu une autoroute fucker de même) Je dormais en arrière(mon ami conduisait) quand je me réveille il reste 1 petite coche d'essence.. on c'est mis a chercher en fou une station-service mais on a rien trouvé, on a pris 4-5 sorties différente(dont certaine fesais vraiment peur).. finalement au dernier instant on a trouvé une station-service rendu a San Jose, encore la on a eu pas mal chaud car il ne restait plus de coche d'essence dutout(civic 2008)
I've never really tested it, but when my fuel light starts flashing on my Scion IQ, it only needs around 22L to fill up, on a 32L tank. Theoretically i should be able to do around 200KM before the tank runs dry.:yikes:

I think Toyotas have very conservative warnings. If I do 110-120km on a tacoma truck I wouldn't be surprised if you can do close to 200km.
When I had my 07 Impreza and the gas light came on I kept driving around because I was too lazy to get gas.. I ran out after about 60km on the side of the 40 and after passing many gas stations. I got out and shook the car around, managed to refire and coast to to exit 17 in Rigaud about 1km away. The car died just as I rolled into Esso.

The gaslight in the 3er comes on at 1/8 tank. I can go for 120kms at highway speed. Did it a few times and going around a corner the car would hesitate lol. Mustang I never really checked as I was the gas station so often anyways.
In the Subaru the light turns on when the computer says 110 km to empty, but it calculates this by taking the avg fuel economy I believe, if I'm on the highway and start driving 90, it could probably go about 140-150 km after the light turns on. The most I did was about 130 km. Never really ran out of gas with it though so I'm not sure how much more it could go.

The Corolla is somewhat similar, the light turns on pretty early and I've done 70-100 km of mixed driving and which point the needle is well below empty. I guess on the highway at around 75-80 km/h, where the fuel mileage is probably best, it could go around 120-130 km. As it doesn;t have an on-board computer I don;t know the km to empty figure....
J'étais sur Décarie la lumière allume, mon rdv était à st-Colomban et je suis revenue a Mtl sans mettre de l'essence j’avais pas mon portefeuille shiiit avec un Volvo s70

Ah ça me rappelle tellement mon cas. Je part de St-Jérome avec la lumière allumée et 2 cubes d'essence (Honda Civic) pour me rendre à Montréal. J'avais oublié mon portefeuille. Disons que les derniers km j'étais un peu stressé. J'ai estimé à 50km quand la lumière s'allume.
I usually always wait for the light to come on to refuel, so when I had my aunt's '95 Camaro for a summer I thought to do the same...but the light never came on, and the damn needle moves whenever you corner so it gives such an inaccurate reading. Left home with an 1/8 of a tank remaining, 5 minutes later ran out of gas on the 40, had to wait an hour for the flat bed to pick me up only to drop me off less than a kilometer away at the nearest station. Good times...