Fixing Traffic

Montréal avait engagé un "Monsieur fluidité" il y a quelques mois, tout va aller pour le mieux dorénavant.
ya des idées fucké, mais ca fais du sens, ex: le diamond inter-crossing. jamais entendu parlé de ca.

le rond point ok, tant que c'est mis a bonne place (st-anselme criss que c'est inutile)
ya des idées fucké, mais ca fais du sens, ex: le diamond inter-crossing. jamais entendu parlé de ca.

le rond point ok, tant que c'est mis a bonne place (st-anselme criss que c'est inutile)

The problem with round-abouts here and in North America is that they were never implemented when cars really started becoming popular so thus it was never taught how to use them. Now they are popping up more and more.. Guess what? Most people have no clue how to go around them or the right of way. When I was living in Vaudreuil people would ALWAYS stop in the round-about to let someone in, what happens? A massive cluster fuck. Instead NA decided to have lights everywhere to control traffic on heavy corridors. Having driven extensively in the UK round-abouts do work well, yes some have lights now but for the most part you can actually get down a road and between places quickly.
Montréal avait engagé un "Monsieur fluidité" il y a quelques mois, tout va aller pour le mieux dorénavant.

Il a été mis à la porte car il était plus intéressé à surveiller la fluidité de ses collègues féminines que du réseau routier.
The problem with round-abouts here and in North America is that they were never implemented when cars really started becoming popular so thus it was never taught how to use them. Now they are popping up more and more.. Guess what? Most people have no clue how to go around them or the right of way. When I was living in Vaudreuil people would ALWAYS stop in the round-about to let someone in, what happens? A massive cluster fuck. Instead NA decided to have lights everywhere to control traffic on heavy corridors. Having driven extensively in the UK round-abouts do work well, yes some have lights now but for the most part you can actually get down a road and between places quickly.

This ^

Go to Europe and observe a roundabout vs a roundabout here.

Here you always have a matante that stops and waits for traffic to merge, or you have people hogging the right lane preventing you to get on.

In Europe if you hog the right lane on a roundabout (or left in England) you will get your asswhooped.
Had this conversation in Ibiza. It was unbelievable how well things flowed, even during rush hour traffic. There was barely any lights, barely any stopping. People drive fast over there, saw no accidents, and common sense was always used with the round abouts.

Then my best friend noted that they had made a round about in Saint-Hubert, and then took it out because no one could figure out how to use it, and it was causing panic.