News: Introducing the BMW GLE Coupe and the Mercedes X6


New member
As much as I appreciate German engineering, this time Mercedes carbon copied the BMW X6 :confused:. At least BMW will not be the only with a useless X4 and X6, Mercedes fans can get their own useless GLE Coupe.

Like any other German design, badge it and it will sell.


Boring...and let the debate begin...
What's going on all the hate on german cars ? Can't afford one ?

Hating something that does not appeal to you = legit
hating/liking something because others hate/like it = gay as fuk

these new models are seriously ugly and indeed it looks like an X6
What's going on all the hate on german cars ? Can't afford one ?

Funny guy...I have owned German cars for over 12+ years. Not a question of affordability (no issues there buddy), question of BMW/Audi/MB becoming boring generic brands who now cater to the masses. I guess I am a purist when it comes to owning cars. Certainly don't buy badges like many new "lease on credit" owners who need the latest trends in life.
Ben voyons donc! Quand j'ai vu la photo dans le thread, j'étais certain que c'était la photo du X6 que tu avais posté en premier pour comparaison. Et la en zoomant j'ai vu que c'est le Merc.. Voyons donc!!
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Funny guy...I have owned German cars for over 12+ years. Not a question of affordability (no issues there buddy), question of BMW/Audi/MB becoming boring generic brands who now cater to the masses. I guess I am a purist when it comes to owning cars. Certainly don't buy badges like many new "lease on credit" owners who need the latest trends in life.

TBH I don't really care about your story. All I saw from you was "Like any other German design, badge it and it will sell." It meant to me you had problems on german design. I didn't even pay attention on your car or avatar, because I didn't care.
Je suis peut etre old school et/ou puriste, mais je crois encore que BMW,Mercredes,Porsche ne devrait pas avoir de SUV. Mais bon j'en parlerai pas aux gens de Marketing de ces manufacturiers, c'est assez rentable ce créneau en ce moment

Edit: En passant, le terme "GLE" fait très 80's :)
Funny guy...I have owned German cars for over 12+ years. Not a question of affordability (no issues there buddy), question of BMW/Audi/MB becoming boring generic brands who now cater to the masses. I guess I am a purist when it comes to owning cars. Certainly don't buy badges like many new "lease on credit" owners who need the latest trends in life.

Since when have German cars NOT catered to the masses? Seriously.
Je suis peut etre old school et/ou puriste, mais je crois encore que BMW,Mercredes,Porsche ne devrait pas avoir de SUV. Mais bon j'en parlerai pas aux gens de Marketing de ces manufacturiers, c'est assez rentable ce créneau en ce moment

Edit: En passant, le terme "GLE" fait très 80's :)

C'est bien beau tes idéologies, mais si Porsche avais pas de VUS, il aurais probablement fait faillite... Si on a des Cayman, des GT3 RS et des 911 Turbo aujourd'hui, c'est principalement grâce a la Cayenne. Donc, la prochaine fois que tu vois une trophy wife dans sa Cayenne en avant du Ogilvy, dit lui merci d'encourager l'industrie d'automobile sport.
Ahhh the pursuit of the almighty dollar... Ugly.. and proves BMW knew what the public wanted when they made the X6...

I approve. it let's me enjoy my sportscar.

I just hate it that I can't see much ahead of these behemoths when in traffic.

People have so much money to spare I guess.
I like the look of the x6 M. It's a mean looking machine and was pretty original until this. Typical battle of the brands.
Le X6 c'était pas pire quand c'est sorti, mais ça l'a clairement pas de future. Gage 2 piasses qu'ils vont tuer le modèle avant la prochaine génération. Comme le A7 pis le serie 4 grand coupe laid.
Since when have German cars NOT catered to the masses? Seriously.

There was a time where the Germans had a handful of cars, sporty, exclusive and not for the masses. Now, they are as generic as anyone else. Bottom line, it is all about profits.
There was a time where the Germans had a handful of cars, sporty, exclusive and not for the masses. Now, they are as generic as anyone else. Bottom line, it is all about profits.

That was also during a time where almost every manufacturer only had a handful of cars. Pretty much everyone except the big three had a fraction of their current line up thirty years ago.

And it was always about profit. If it wasn't we would still be walking.

Just kind of sick of stupid arguments to bash perfectly fine cars. Cars today are better than ever and people like you find completely nonsensical reasons to bash.