Day 3: I was not able to post anything yesterday since my internet in my room shut down.
The night of day2 the guys I was with decided to head up to the top of our hotel.. It was really amazing!
There are also some crazy rides on the roof too..not for anybody afraid of heights.
Now on to the car fun! I started off my day 3 with checking out some sections that I had missed the 2 other days.
Spotted the Miata Spyder.oddly similar to the Boxter one.
Mazda also had some sick racecars in their booth.
Pretty sweet!
If only they actually used this for deliveries.
The Kia booth had some neat concepts..Perfect for hockey players..
And the Hamster!
PJD Bike.
Hela fast SRT4
This hotrod was so beautiful.
The FatLace Sonic.
New Civic looks good modded.
This was just so nice!
Hmmm I dont think this was
Electric H1.
I headed back the the demo track to watch some people go for ride alongs.
I wanted to pick my dad up a Foose shirt and I was lucky enough so see somebody special.
We then headed back inside to check out more cars. This hot rod was INSANE.
With a good amount of rubber!
Loved this truck!
Even tho there was still one day left GM started to pack up..They dont play around when it comes to transport..they had 4 of these trucks.
And a nice sunset to finish the day.
Oh and I almost forget....