Photoshoot: Lexus Laval gets something special

Je la trouve tellement ordinaire pour le prix....

On est loin du look spectaculaire d'une Lambo..
2 years ago rumors said you couldn't buy this car.Only lease and return it to Lexus after a 24 or 36 months lease.

You had to lease it, but you can buy it afterwards. This was to avoid people flipping them.
I would want one, but where could you go to actually appreciate it?

I can't even fully appreciate my Z because of our shitty roads / shitty drivers / shitty Police nation where driving fast alone on an open road is considered a bigger crime than stabbing your kids to death... but I digress.

Nice pics of an awesome car!
LA premiere a etre vendu a ete par Lexus Spinelli, et je me suis reseigner sur combien elle a couter une fois sortie du lot. $512, 000

For free I want one! :p

!!!??.. for that price you can buy a Ferrari AND a Lambo!! gaaaaa