New member
So after 4 and half years at VWDesSources i made the Move over To VW Campbell & Cameron in Lasalle.
No hard feelings or anything bad to Say about Des Sources.
It was personal decision and because CC is great Place to work at and Full of VW enthusiasts.
VW Campbell & Cameron has shown their Support for the Scene by being present at Eurokracy every Year.
Tuner Friendly Dealer that being said I managed to Obtain a 10% discount on parts and accessories for all
And for Cars that are 5 years or older i obtained a 10% on parts and labor on repairs ( this does not include maintenance's and oil changes)
If there is any Questions please don't hesitate to pm me or email at my new email : SERGIO@GOVW.CA
No hard feelings or anything bad to Say about Des Sources.
It was personal decision and because CC is great Place to work at and Full of VW enthusiasts.
VW Campbell & Cameron has shown their Support for the Scene by being present at Eurokracy every Year.
Tuner Friendly Dealer that being said I managed to Obtain a 10% discount on parts and accessories for all
And for Cars that are 5 years or older i obtained a 10% on parts and labor on repairs ( this does not include maintenance's and oil changes)
If there is any Questions please don't hesitate to pm me or email at my new email : SERGIO@GOVW.CA