News: McLaren Wants the 2015 P13 to be Wiper-Free


Staff member

British engineers at McLaren brand are working hard on a new technological approach to replace the need for windshield wipers.
Frank Stephenson, the chief designer of the brand, confirmed the initiative in an interview he gave to the Sunday Times of London.
To accomplish this, an ultrasonic transducer that converts electricity into high-intensity sound waves which are then directed towards the windshield. Ultrasound waves used in this fashion are able to automatically remove dirt, water and even insects from the glass. Without wiper blades, it would result in better aerodynamics and better fuel economy. The technology has been used in some military applications such as fighter jets.

Love this idea. I've driven with Rain-X in a storm and I love not having to use wipers. Wiper technology is a century old. Time for a replacement I think.
It's crazy that Mclaren would spend so much money developing this on such a low production vehicle. Should be Benz on the new SL or BMW on the new 6
leaders will lead ... and give it a couple of years you'll see a lot of followers !

Led lights ... germans came out with that and now u even have honda accord with led headlights ...

copy cat world
It's crazy that Mclaren would spend so much money developing this on such a low production vehicle. Should be Benz on the new SL or BMW on the new 6

It's probably mostly a marketing scheme to get more blablabla done on their car. The 918 and Laferrari are stealing the show right now...
my thoughts exactly....

I highly doubt the "fuel economy" and "aerodynamic gain" is worth the repair costs of such a system.

On a million dollar car no one would care..

It's probably mostly a marketing scheme to get more blablabla done on their car. The 918 and Laferrari are stealing the show right now...

LaFerrari maybe but the Porsche (I'm a Porsche lover) is in the dark, hell I heard none about it lately.
In related news (probably requires a separate post):


We work in a 300 sqm storage building, called Horizontal Assembly Building (HAB), placed on an abandoned but yet historic shipyard in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The areas around HAB provides us with enough space to test our own rocket engines, and being situated close to the harbour of Copenhagen makes it easy for us to go into sea for our sea launch operation.

We have no administration or technical boards to approve our work, so we move very fast from idea to construction. Everything we build is tested until we believe it will do. Then we (attempt to) fly it!

Some of our main design drivers are:
- Keep as much work in-house as possible
- Choose mechanical solutions over electrical
- Use "ordinary" materials for cheaper and faster production
- Cut away (anything), instead of adding

Watch our videos about the project, for more info.
''Better fuel economy...''

Qui pourrait bien se soucier de l economie d essence au volant d'une telle voiture? Tu laisses tourner le moteur 17.3 secondes de plus que d habitude et tout ce que tu as sauvé avec ton wipers free windshield a disparu.
^^ J'serais curieux de savoir combien de fuel coûtent 2 wipers anyway... 1 cenne par semaine ? par mois ?
All went well until some icing rain fell down...

I know it not going to be an issue with the Big Mac, but they will sell this lesser brands eventually...