News: New Audi Q7


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The most innovative aspect of this new Q7 is that they managed to shed 350kg from the previous generation. Congrats to Audi Engineering for shedding the weight and making the new Q7 a modern vehicle (as opposed to the grotesque previous gen). Bottom line, the design remains pure Audi, boring & dull.



jacked-up A6/8 wagon ?

Agree, nice work on the weight savings, and agree again on boring Audi styling. They should get that Kia guy back.
Totally look like a fat allroad-ish wagon... no likey. Too small to be a good looking suv, too fat to be a nicely designed wagon.
Having been a fan of VW/Audi forever, they've been disappointing me everytime a new model came out in the last few years (lookwise must I say).
In the pics the proportions looks like it could be an A3 wagon, but I'm sure that in person its sheer size and presence will make for an impressive looking SUV...
I quite like it. Much better than the ugly mammoth that was the last gen

This exactly. The previous gen looked awkward at best; at least this one is fairly well proportioned, ableit bland. Would look better in a less flashy color. Interior is a big win tho, as usual with audi.
This exactly. The previous gen looked awkward at best; at least this one is fairly well proportioned, ableit bland. Would look better in a less flashy color. Interior is a big win tho, as usual with audi.

Yep. As always, the best feature of Audi's are the interior. And has one journalist put it, the best feature of Audi's is when you are stuck in traffic looking at that beautifully finished interior.
I need a audi wagon in 2-4 years and i usually buy 1-2 years behind :(

Audi pleaseee

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I find it perfect style wise as far as the Audi style evolution has been going. In the pics it looks kinda small, but you know it's huge IRL. Good job audi!!