News: Nicely done Chrylser 300 facelift


New member
Always liked the Chrysler 300, it has a muscular manly design that has aged well over the years and with this facelift it looks even more aggressive. Would I get one, no, however for a large American sedan it is a very nice car.




Yep, je l'aime vraiment mieux comme ça!

Elle est tout simplement belle!

Le cul me fait penser au Chevrolet montecarlo lol

Je sais pas pourquoi, mais j'ai lâché un "Oh oui" dans le lab en voyant les photos.

Oh que oui!!!!

La montecarlo était vraiment laide, mais je sais pas sur la 300 sa lui fait vraiment bien!

Sa fit avec la char et sa lui donne une foutue belle gueule!

J'aimais bien la Monte Carlo moi. J'avais conduit une 2001 de Montreal a Sherbrooke pis c'etait bien, c'est clair que le derriere super long aurait ete mieux avec 4 portes.
It looks nice but how many times can they facelift it ? This car is nearly 10 years old.. Body wise.

Fleets love this thing!
It looks nice but how many times can they facelift it ? This car is nearly 10 years old.. Body wise.

Fleets love this thing!

Well they are basically building a rolls royce sized car at a very affordable price. There's no way they can put money into R&D into new chassis.
the only problem for me with this car is how low you're sitting and how high the windows are. Im rather small and I cant see shit.
otherwise it's a very good looking car and i'd get one anytime if it wasnt for this sole personal problem.
the only problem for me with this car is how low you're sitting and how high the windows are. Im rather small and I cant see shit.
otherwise it's a very good looking car and i'd get one anytime if it wasnt for this sole personal problem.


the only problem for me with this car is how low you're sitting and how high the windows are. Im rather small and I cant see shit.
otherwise it's a very good looking car and i'd get one anytime if it wasnt for this sole personal problem.

I'm close to 6ft and can't see shit unless the seat is all the way up, you're not alone.