American Muscle
Legacy Member
Faut dire que plusieurs d'entre nous lache leurs fou sur MR. j'ai fais de même, par la suite des fois je me relis et je me dit hey boy you just look so stupid right here! Mais c'est la vie, mieu vaut en rire!
Bonne attitude
Bonne info american muscle,aussi cette aileron avait une poussé de downforce de 500lbs en haute vitesse.
Autre pourquoi de la hauteur..banale peut-etre mais c'était aussi juste pour clairer l'ouverture du couvert de la valise complètement.
Merci! En fait l'histoire d'ouvrir la valise fait partit des nombreuses légendes urbaines sur les daytona, comme les extracteurs d'air sur le capot pour éliminer le lift a haute vitesse, chrysler ont dit volontairement que c'était seulement pour avoir plus de clerance pour les roues lol
Effectivement il génère beaucoup de downforce, assez pour que les ailes soient renforcé

Le journaliste de Jalopnik a interviewer les ingénieurs qui ont travaillé sur l'aileron, voici 2 de ses reply à ce sujet
SteveLehto said:No, the wing needed to be in the clean air. It may or may not have been effective a tad lower but the first drawing ever done of the proposed wing put it up there. The guy who drew it said he put it there to assure it was in clean air at speed. And he was a former rocket scientist.
But they could have attached the wing to the trunk if that was the ONLY reason they did that. I asked the guy who came up with the idea and he laughed at this. He said it never occurred to him about the trunk. His job was to design the car to make it go faster. Not to optimize the trunk usage.
n’t have built it with a non functioning trunk. They would have attached it to the trunk. Plenty of cars are built that way (and race cars too).
You’re looking at it backwards. You don’t start with the conclusion and work backwards.
If you want to find out why someone did something, ASK THEM. I did. I interviewed the guys who came up with this idea and they all said that their first thought was PUT THE WING HIGH TO GET IT INTO CLEAN AIR.
I asked if the trunk opening was a consideration at that time and I was told No. One guy asked me why I would ask such a stupid question. I kid you not.
Commentaire de ti coune
L'aileron est haut comme ca pour pouvoir ouvrir la valise...
Légende urbaine