Event Coverage: -Photos- Surprise B-day Drift Day


MR staff member
Before heading out to Julep for the Euro Meet ( pics will be up later ) I headed over to my second home, the Autodrome St-Eustache for a very special occasion. It was a surprise birthday party for Silvio a local drifter all put together by his wife but instead of having candles to blow out there was tires to burn and bunch of the drift community was there to celebrate and have some fun.. It was really cool to see so many people come out and join in the fun.

His car was brought to the track and was waiting for his arrival.

A bunch of DMCC Pro/Pro Am drivers also came out.

It was cool to see the look on his face when he pulled up and saw everybody there.

With the surprise over it was time to drift.Silvio did not waste any time.


Marc Landreville was out practicing his reverse entries.

And pretending his car is a rally car.

Everybody was having a good time.


Some 3 wheel action.

Full Gallery: http://montrealracing.com/vbgallery/browseimages.php?c=1120

Huge thanks again to Silvio's wife for putting this whole thing together it was really awesome.
Super belle soiree! Je pense que tout le monde a eu du fun en masse! Merci a la femme de Silvio c'etait toute une soiree...c'est juste malheureux que Silvio ai pas pu drifter toute la soiree.... Et comme d'habitude malade t'es photos Jag. J'aime bien celle avec mon S14 le cul jacker pour changer les roues.