Quelqu'un envoyez ca à Jalopnik!
driftking88 Well-known member Sep 1, 2012 #23 Omg tears come to my eyes Envoyé depuis mon GT-I9000M avec Tapatalk
P Pillpopper Moderator Sep 1, 2012 #25 split said: Why would it require a performance driving course to drive on a 40 km/h street? lol Click to expand... If he lost control @ 40km/h he shouldn't be driving at all!
split said: Why would it require a performance driving course to drive on a 40 km/h street? lol Click to expand... If he lost control @ 40km/h he shouldn't be driving at all!
allroad New member Sep 1, 2012 #31 EV said: No big loss. Ugliest porsche ever made Click to expand... That's funny. Look wise the 959 ain't a looker. We don't know wht happened so drawing conclusions is premature. What I don't get is driving a car like this in the streets of Montreal. This belongs in the eastern townships in beautiful country roads.
EV said: No big loss. Ugliest porsche ever made Click to expand... That's funny. Look wise the 959 ain't a looker. We don't know wht happened so drawing conclusions is premature. What I don't get is driving a car like this in the streets of Montreal. This belongs in the eastern townships in beautiful country roads.
D dolomight 74-86 New member Sep 1, 2012 #34 Ah what a noob. He just made the rest of the world's 959's increase in value. Still FFFFUUUUUU!!!! Waht a waste.
Ah what a noob. He just made the rest of the world's 959's increase in value. Still FFFFUUUUUU!!!! Waht a waste.
J Jeremi01 -- STATISTICIEN -- Sep 1, 2012 #37 1: Send this to Jalopnik 2: What a shame! 3: holly moly! Chuck-S4! what a comeback!!!
P PsychoBandito New member Sep 1, 2012 #38 Probably Lawrence Stroll, or his son. Last edited: Sep 2, 2012
Mayerz Legacy Member Sep 1, 2012 #39 It's a shame but if i had one i'd drive the hell out of it too, and shit might happen. Cars are made to be driven.
It's a shame but if i had one i'd drive the hell out of it too, and shit might happen. Cars are made to be driven.
P PsychoBandito New member Sep 1, 2012 #40 That's what these are for; For $70, a pair of street driving shoes should be in EVERY car enthusiasts closet.
That's what these are for; For $70, a pair of street driving shoes should be in EVERY car enthusiasts closet.