Turbo S = 183Kcad in Canada and 173keuro in the Fatherland.
Turbo S = 183Kcad in Canada and 173keuro in the Fatherland.
In reality my goal was to show VOLUME wise...
When Porsche US buys 10 000 cars / year from Porsche SE AG they don't pay the same price as Porsche Canada buying 2000 cars / year
So they buy cheaper, they sell cheaper ...!
What about a small dealer that doesn't sell that many cars? Aern't the dealers the ones who order the cars from Porsche in Germany?
Porsche Canada and Porsche US are two different companies as all the rest of the countries. They negotiate the contracts separately.
They both buy independently from Porsche AG SE (Germany) and then "give" to the dealers whatever they consider appropriate for each dealer to sell.
So Queborg will get 80 cars year, meanwhile Lauzon or Prestige would get 200. All dealers will pay the same price to Porsche Canada, and Porsche Canada of course will sell more expensive than they buy from Porsche AG SE in order to make profit.
Porsche Canada will buy only 2000 cars from Porsche SE AG(they will get a way better price than Porsche Spain(which will only buy 300/year), meanwhile Porsche US will buy 10 000 / year and will get crazy nice discounts. That's why cars will always be CHEAPER in the US compared to Canada , no matter what. China will be soon on that list...! We'll have to go 2 China 2 buy cheaper cars than in US in about 5-8 years, maybe even before.
NOW , you can realize how in reality is Porsche US that screws the people more than Porsche Canada, because their profits are huge compared to here...
What about when I order a car from my dealer? Who does Prestige order my own car with my exclusive options?
What about when I order a car from my dealer? Who does Prestige order my own car with my exclusive options?