road exam tips?


New member
Hey guys, my road exam is coming up. Anyone know what they mostly look at, that will subtract the most points?

Left-right-left at all stops and red lights; left side of the lane when driving... basic stuff.

Also, what is the actual PROPER technique to stop at a STOP sign? it's one foot down, right foot on brake, correct? I'm asking cause i remember our instructor telling us that some cops stop you if you dont put 2 feet on the ground, and they're not supposed to. Or am i mistaken, and that's actually the proper way.

Proper tecnic for stop is downshift till the first gear, pull the clutch, put your left foot on the ground and keep your right foot on the rear brake, left-right-left and go.
Most important is that you have a brake light on. Other than that, relax and go for a ride. I was super nervous at first, but just be casual. I got 100%.
Thanks guys, that's what I've always been doing (when practicing proper technique, lol).

I just don't want to repeatedly do things that take away a small amount of points, then end up failing in the end.

I'll hopefully see you guys on the road!