Security Issues.

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MR staff member
I just stumbled across something pretty shocking. MR has some major (not minor, FAR from minor, this is pretty ****ing big) security issues. I'll strike you a deal danny, make me a special user class (i'll even help you make it) and I'll fix your issues.
if you find them isnt it really i know from the posts ive read ect..that you know ALOT about computer systems and other things like that..but still...unless you just stumbled on it accidently..or were looking for something:p it must be pretty major.
hook me up with MOD status or I'll exploit the first and third biggest security issue :)
I am tired, but you see the possibilites, the hashing teqnique vb uses is

$user['password'] = md5(md5($password) . $salt);

give me time and i can exploit it. (i think)

I will PM you specifics tommorw.
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