Article: Sky Tran Levitating Taxi


Staff member

A company called SkyTran is developing a new transportation system for big cities and hopes to one day revolutionize how we get around town.

Using a network of elevated rails, small pods would be magnetically levitate and whisk passengers around the city like a taxi.

"The next big innovation is going to be in automated transit," says John Cole, SkyTran CTO and director. "Transportation will just recede into the background of lives, as something that just happens automatically. I think about where I want to go, tell a computer where I want to go and it just takes me there -- seamlessly."

The company is planning a demo in Tel Aviv which should be completed later this year. If approved, it’ll build 20 kilometers of track in that city within three years.

Can you see something like this around Montreal?







I'm cool to try it if it's a 100% private company and if they receive 0 grant from the government.
"Planning a demo" ? Bitch please.

C'est pas comme si c'était un concept nouveau, je ne vois pas pourquoi ça nécessite une "demo", on comprend le concept. Le trouble c'est l'applicabilité, surtout au niveau du débit et des coûts d'infrastructure et de maintenance.
Polution visuelle much. Nay, for me.

C'est cute dans les parcs d'attraction mais en ville, pas sure...
I'm cool to try it if it's a 100% private company and if they receive 0 grant from the government.

Dans tes rêves, Couillard est déjà entrain d'appeler ses amis/smurfs pour qu'ils se partent des compagnies pour un projet pilote en Abitibi.
La premiere chose a quoi ca ma fait penser cest l'episode des Simpsons avec le mono-rail

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lol yeah ok

Coming to Quebekistan circa 3459

but not before MTL Taxi drivers do a recours collectif against them
Wouldn't it be less expensive and more efficient to simply upgrade/expand existing transportation systems?
This will never happen because the TAXIs will complain that it is taking away their business,
and then UBER will come along and have their own little flying pods picking up people.
Then STM will need to get in on this and start taking a cut from the fares.
then SAAQ will tell people that each pod needs a plate and make you pay

Our monetary system is build so new evolutionary ideas can't be implemented over night without major consequences to everything else(too many business would fail, too many jobs would disappear). Everyone needs to find a way to make a cut from everything possible.
If this happens, it will be such a sloooooooooowwwww process.(Decades), and even so, the MOMENT something goes wrong, the media will have their shit fit with it.
impossible que ca soit rentable, pratique ou meme viable.

un autre concept a la con, du genre bixie...

c'est pas un transport de masse, qui va payer pour voyager la-dedans?

et a quel prix?

ca pas l'air asser safe pour qu'un milliardaire "essaye" cette affaire la.
criss, la solution est simple : METRO à la grandeur de la région métropolitaine. Des tunnels pis des stations partout, fréquence aux 2-3 minutes en tout temps. Y'en aura pu de problème après

fuck le BUS, fuck le TRAIN, fuck le TRAMWAY, fuck les TAXIS.

NOUS SOMMES UN PAYS NORDIQUE. La seule solution qui fait du sens c'est le METRO.

my 2 cents.

Agree.... Plus de trains et un meilleur métro c la solution. Doubler la distance du métro c trop rêver je crois :(
La seule chose que je retiens c'est qui sont vraiment à chier avec photoshop...

Ah oui. Plus je descendais les photos plus je riais.Il y a du monde sur MR qui ont fait mieux dans le thread de la maison.

La meilleure c'est celle la.
