The movie Yesterday (spoilers and a few questions)


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Last night after a long period of procrastination I finally watched the movie "Yesterday" in which some English/Indian bloke gets hit by a truck and when he wakes up the world is changed and The Beatles never existed but he remembers them.

A few other things also are gone.

I don't like the Beatles. Never have. Don't like their sound although I have to give John and Paul the lyrics they wrote are great. Possibly best ever.

Now moving on about the movie: Did I mention the bloke is also an aspiring/failed singer/songwriter/musician?

If you're a singer/songwriter/musician (failed or not) and you woke up from a sleep/coma/accident and The Beatles were gone but you remembered all their songs how would you handle it?

Personally, it probably wouldn't be an issue because besides a few classic Beatles songs like Yesterday, I honestly don't know them that well. I don't even know the correct lyrics to Yesterday if I'm honest but the guy seems to figure them out at least in part.


In the movie, this idiot realizes the Beatles are gone except for him - Google shows zero results on anything Beatle (and Oasis which is a really funny gag if you know Oasis and the Gallagher brother's history) related including nothing on John, Paul, George and Ringo.

First thing he does is start (re) writing ALL the Beatles song AT ONCE. Eventually he's playing like Let it Be in a pub somewhere and a smalltime producer (a bit like me but more on that later) "spots him" and offers to record his stuff and put it on the Interweb for free so they do that and eventually he winds up on his local TV - like PBS but in GB - from whatever British town he lives in.

He gets spotted on the TV show by Ed Sheeran who then gives to him, what Taylor Swift gave Ed Sheeran IRL: She spotted him in a small pub and asked him to sub for her opening act and WHAMMO Ed Sheeran was born.

No wonder many of his music and lyrics including the cadence and song structure sound A LOT like Taylor Swift right?

Moving on now, he's only recorded 5 songs with that smalltime producer and now after his first Ed Sheeran opening (in Russia, where he decides to play Back in the USSR...) Sheeran's agent asks him to go to LA where he agrees to record a DOUBLE ALBUM... IN SIX WEEKS!

This bloke immediately releases what basically are The Beatles' greatest hits in one go. (first mistake IMHO - something I've learned in the last 30 years is always keep something for later.)

Personally, knowing Oasis also don't exist, and having been a huge Oasis fan for a decade until they disbanded for good, I'd have done yes like 2-3 Beatles songs and 5-6 Oasis songs. (They didn't mention Blur, who are also hugely influenced by the Beatles albeit the early Beatles.)

You don't release an album full of hit singles. Much less a DOUBLE ALBUM. This is where the movie fails IMHO because any industry professional including Ed Sheeran's agent in the movie (played magistrally by a fabulous Kate McKinnon or however the hell you spell her last name) would tell you the same thing I state above: Keep some for later or you'll saturate the market and people will be fed up and start ignoring you.

Doesn't prevent you from RECORDING the stuff and registering it with the appropriate authorities to stop anyone else from coming up with anything similar.

Don't get me wrong - it was a GREAT movie and I thoroughly enjoyed it. He performs a live version of Help! which is superior to the Beatles' original in every conceivable way except maybe vocally.

For those of you who've watched this movie: Would you have given it all away for free like he did?

Not me for sure. I'd have milked not only the Beatles' tracks but also everything Oasis ever made (and Blur if available lol...)

I would've trickled out the hits to the tune of 2-3-4/album MAX throughout a few decades.

Yes: I would've felt dirty and cross from the feeling that I didn't write any of those songs but I definitely would've produced them differently than the original Beatles' tracks. But you know what? The millions trickling in from royalties would've helped clean me up...

Oh and the love interest in the movie that spends 9/10 of the movie sure/not sure what she wants to do with the bloke? WTF? That was weird.
finalement c'est comme le film Hot tub time machine ou le gars vole l'idée de Google devient Lougle hehe

Dans les films so-so , j'ai regardé '' Attraction '' film russe science fiction sur Amazon Prime , quand même bien fait , mais que tu vois le plot twist arriver , propagande militaire au max