Longest time without sleeping GUINNESS WORLD record...

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zokez said:
24 hours, fu<k that shit :p... my question should be, how long was your longest ever sleep?
20 hours straight for me.
after a nice " gastro-anthérite" 24 h straight.. so good.. hum sleep.. good night
about 48 hours constantly staring a computer screen (main server went down)
I went in on 12/31/2002 and came out (next year ;)) 1/2/2003. I was still wearing my party suit -.- (that means I never got to the party cuz I was stuck at work)
mon record 82hrs et 32 minute je jouais a shenmue et je voulais a tout pris le terminer et oui je les terminer et avec une fin pour m enerver encore plus pour me faire dire qu'il y a une suite ... mais jamais je ne recommencerai faire un truc comme sa sa pas d allure j ai dormi 2 jours carement apres m etre endormi sur mon sofa en tk dunno commen ya fait sa lui mais yé ****é bin raide lolllllllllll qui veu lancer le defi...
a little over 7 days. I dont remember if I went into the 8th or fell asleep on the 7th. but I felt really stupid when i mummbled some insane comment while i was getting a ride somewhere. (i think the only person that knows other then the driver is munchy)

edit: I've pulled that off 3 times. (6-7days) twice was for school projects.

edit 2: my mistake, 2 times, i mistook a school project for something else.
Last time I actually tried something like that I was 17 and I was always sleepy like a mofo anyway. Now I bet I could do better with adequate sleep beforehand. My record stands at ~40 hours then...
Mon record c'est probablement max ~30h, j'ai vraiment besoin de beaucoup de sommeil :blush: :blush:

Un simple 72h c'est vraiment quelque chose, j'ai de la miser à imagine 264 hours ...

J'ai des amis qui font ça régulièrement rester réveiller durant 30-40h ... j'arrête pas de dire que c'est crissement mauvais faire ça.
my record was 3.5 days so about 84 or 85 hours, weird thing is i only slept about 6 hours and i was fine, back to myself after that, this xmas im going to try for about 100-120 hours lol
Mr Blue said:
weird thing is i only slept about 6 hours and i was fine, back to myself after that,

C'est quand même normal, lorsque tu manques de sommeil souvent ce n'est pas la quantité mais la qualité qui va changer, t'as 4 phases de sommeil ... 4 degrés ... parmi ceux-là t'en a deux qui sont plus profond "ce sont eux qu'on l'on appel sommeil réparateur"

En gros, tu te promènes parmi ces 4 phases là lors de ton sommeil ... la différence est lorsque le sommeil est "réparateur" tu passes plus de temps dans les deux phases les plus profondes. "dont je ne me rappel pu vraiment des noms précis"

Maudit que c'était l'fun les cours de psycho.
zokez said:
my question should be, how long was your longest ever sleep?
20 hours straight for me.
after a night raving (being up about 25-30 hours and on the pills) slept for 12 hours, got up to go to the bathroom, and slept another 8 hours.
I've done 2-3 days several times, it happens quite often that I won't fall asleep at night, I don't really mind because the second day I run on adrenaline, I'm actually pretty peppy and on a natural high if I don't sleep. But I usually get exhaust when it starts getting dark out.
Not directly but indirectly you get famous and get money from speaking about your experience, interviews, etc...
Since in a previous life I frequently needed to stay awake for long periods, I tried an anti-narcolepsy drug called modafinil to stay awake. It's not an amphetamine and has no cardiovascular effects. It works fairly well, you feel alert and capable of performing tasks long after you should have been asleep. You need to take it before you feel tired, however.
haha exactly, If it did and I still did drugs I'd do it but I think i'd end up getting arrested for it. Happy I quit drugs tho. Lack of sleep really screws your system up.
Why do you think that kid used drugs to stay awake? He had doctors monitoring him and his parents.... besides, i don't think he'd get in the book of records if he was breaking the law.
WICKED. I can't believe this thread came up. All week, after seeing the movie THE MACHINIST (you gotta see it), I've been trying to find out the record for this. In the movie the guy hasn't slept in over a year, and says "noone ever died from insomnia". Since then, I've been trying to find out the record. I have the 1976 and 2005 Guiness Books, but it wasnt in there.
The longest I've gone is about 60 hours. It really screws with you....
Russianguy said:
Why do you think that kid used drugs to stay awake? He had doctors monitoring him and his parents.... besides, i don't think he'd get in the book of records if he was breaking the law.

i don't think he used drugs, i was referring to your comment to slammed ef.
My longest sleep is probably about 20-22 hours. I am a CHAMP sleeper. Such a waste of time, but one of my favorite things to do. Nothing like waking up in the morning, rolling over and going right back to sleep.
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