probleme avec nouvelle suspension...

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hello tout le monde, j<ai fait pos/ ma nouvelle suspension ajustable hier...en avant c numero un mais en arriere, a chaque fois que je pogne une bosse, c comme si tout le quit etait lousse et ca fait un kling kling infernale...j<ai check/ la bolt du milieu ou le chuck est visser...c visser ou bout et ca tourne dans le beurre mais a chaque bosse c ca qui leve dans l<aile...aider moi qqun svp le garagiste y sais pas quoi faire et moi non plus!:confused: :(
my dad had the same problem on his car and it turned out to be a problem with the sway bar bushing
ok j'ai trouvé le probleme...quand je jack le char, je suis capable de bouger le spring vraiemnt gros...faque ca ca veux dire que quand je pogne une bosse, c le spring que j'entend bouger et cogner comme ca...en avant ca le fait pas a cause du poids du moteur. faque la j'ai remonter la suspension de derriere de moitié mais ca le fait encore un peu...c quoi qui se passe merde?
please help!
ben c des g-force, je sais que c pas ce qui ya de best mais je pouvais payer cost so...
mais la n'est pas le point, ca claque dur quand meme, ca me fou les boules...aider moi svp!
Il a tout simpletment droppé ton char plus que tes shocks stocks sont capables d'en prendre.

En d'autre terme, t'es au bout du shocks et il reste du spring.
C'est supposé d'être bin bin tight ca la!


PIS VRSIK... Message me.
Been looking for you a while.

J'espere j'ai trouvé ta solution
j'ai un civic hb 97 et mes coils over que j'ai acheter c des g-force avec une drop de 0-3''...c pas correct comme drop?
expliqué moi le probleme et la facon d'y remedier!
merci ben guys
Si je ne me trompe pas, c'est le meme kit pour les Civic et les TEG...
Ben sur la teg ça va te donner 0-3 pouces...
Mais sur une Civic, ca va te donner entre 0 et 1.6 a 2 pouces.
Tu devras remonter ta suspension jusqu'a ce que ca revienne serré pis quand t'auras l'argent, tu vas changer tes shocks pour pour pouvoir donner ton 3 pouces de drop au complet.

When dropping your car, you should do it right the first time and you would not have these type of problems. If you would have bought some good springs and especially changed your struts, you would have been fine. I always say to save up and do it right the first time ! :bigup:
yeah but i didn't know that i would have this kind of problem..some say that you don't need to change the shocks...
and as said earlier, the reason why i purchased these coilovers is because i had the opportunity so pay cost price...
and by the way i didn't ask for this kind of doesn't help me at all that someone tells me not tu purchase this after i already bought it...anyways...
Originally posted by $THE AFTERMATH$
yeah but i didn't know that i would have this kind of problem..some say that you don't need to change the shocks...
and as said earlier, the reason why i purchased these coilovers is because i had the opportunity so pay cost price...
and by the way i didn't ask for this kind of doesn't help me at all that someone tells me not tu purchase this after i already bought it...anyways...
Well, if you would have done it right the first time, you would not be posting asking how to fix it ! LOL.... That's all dude.... But seriously, you will always hear clinking with those coilovers... it shouldn't be as bad as you say though. I agree to raise it higher in the rear untill you hear the least noise possible.
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