Spiderman 3

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Some Spoilers

But those who DO NOT follow the true story line will find the movie amazing. Venom is NOT a 15 minute spectacle. The symbiote is NOT a ****ing joke as sam raimi porposes it to be on peter parker. He does not refer to him self as "im" or " I" its US. Sandman was cool. But wtf he DOESNT KILLL UNCLE ****ING BEN WTF

Soem stupid ass shit in the movie like peter parker doing some stupid ****ing dance which was ****ing stupid ....

Again people not true to the story line will find it good/

dissapointed i must say.
I saw it also last night. I agree with you Pancakes, Spidey 3 really disappointed me.


- Sandman effects were great
- Gwen Stacey is hot
- I thought Kristen Dunst did a pretty good job considering the script sucked
- Venom
- Editor of the Daily Bugle is the best actor in the film. One of the better characters also.
- Bryce Dallas Howard (Gwen Stacey) is hot. BTW she's Ron Howard's daughter.

- Script was terrible.
- Tracking and animation was mediocer at best
- Not true to the comics
- Goblin's butler is the worst actor in the movie.
- Too many characters in 2 hours. You don't feel for them because there's just no depth.
- Going back to Peter's uncles death show's lack of creativity.
- Emo Parker could have been done differently. His acting was good, but his look bothered me.
- The script was terrible.
- How many tears were shed in this movie?? Damn. I mean Sandman crying??? WTF!!!
Worst piece of shit I have ever seen. Everyone cried throughout the whole movie. It's was pathetic. Spidey cried 5-6 times, MJ 10+ times, Harry 3-4 times, even brock and sandman cried a few times. WTF?

Action scenes were very short and predictable, people were just laughing throughout the whole thing. I would rent it, but now worth watching it in the movies.

We went to see it for venom, he barely had 10 minutes, so shit!

Selon moi Il y a beaucoup trop de longueur! Trop orienté sur ll'histoire de PETER a la place de SPIDER MAN!! Could have been way much better than that!!
yo les gars vous mfaites peur loll , sincerement jchek toujours les comments des gens de mr.com sur les films .....i was waiting so much for that movie and now dire que c MAUVAIS .....

petite idée : c mieux d'attendre mardi mercredi pour yaller or should i go tonight !!?
c'est plate mais jsuis pas sur que les time portals pi shocker, kingpin et le scientifique a coupe longueuil feraient fureur dans les films lol
I really enjoyed it.

Parker was mad pimp with both chicks and the fighting scenese were awesome

A lot could of been taken out, but it was totally worth the $7

The old lady also seems to always say quotes that I relate to, like

"Revenge is a nasty thing, it can take you over and make you do ugly things"

So true.
I watched it yesterday morning online! I personally don't like the spidey movies. I find the effects are mediocre at best and the acting terrible. From what I remember in the comics peter parker was never really a nerd, like in the movie. Tobey maguire makes spidey look like such a pussy, and kirsten dunst makes me want to punch her.

I'd post the link to watch it online but they just took it down...haha

Some Spoilers

But those who DO NOT follow the true story line will find the movie amazing. Venom is NOT a 15 minute spectacle. The symbiote is NOT a ****ing joke as sam raimi porposes it to be on peter parker. He does not refer to him self as "im" or " I" its US. Sandman was cool. But wtf he DOESNT KILLL UNCLE ****ING BEN WTF

Soem stupid ass shit in the movie like peter parker doing some stupid ****ing dance which was ****ing stupid ....

Again people not true to the story line will find it good/

dissapointed i must say.

man..we were laughing soooooooooooooo loud!!!!!!!:bigup:
the action scenes were good...

but the rest was garbage.. WTF was up with that dance scene??? and his emo hair when he was walking around winking and pointing?

everyone was laughing during his crying scene on the bridge.

but i do agree that Venom was a badass and at least that was done well... they could have completely cut Sandman from the movie and it wouldn't have affected anything.
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