Iran Khodro >>> Arab Cars

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Iran Khodro

Cette société a été fondée en 1962 par deux frères, Ali Akbar Khayami et Mahmoud Khayyami, sous le nom d’Iran National, nom qu'elle devait conserver jusqu'à la révolution islamique, en 1979. C'est une société publique.

Iran Khodro entretient des relations de longue date avec la société PSA Peugeot Citroën et procède à l'assemblage de nombreux modèles Peugeot sous licence de cette société française. Elle assemble également des camions et des autobus sous licence Mercedes-Benz.

Pendant plus de trois décennies, la société a produit la voiture iranienne par excellence, la Peykan. Cette production a été arrêtée en 2005.

Le groupe industriel Iran Khodro se considère comme le plus grand constructeur automobile du Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du Nord, avec une production annuelle d'environ 1 000 000 de véhicules, voitures, autocars, autobus, camions et utilitaires confondus. Ce chiffre place la société parmi les vingt premiers constructeurs automobiles au monde.






C'est pas laid si vous me demandez mon avis. Ca a un peu le look des Saab/Audi. Discuss.
not bad , i don't recall quebec having made their own cars, considering all the problems they have in Iran , it surprises me that they are more creative and innovative than people in quebec.
not bad , i don't recall quebec having made their own cars, considering all the problems they have in Iran , it surprises me that they are more creative and innovative than people in quebec.

Au Canada on pourra jamais avoir notre propre marque de voiture... Si je me rappel bien de mes cours d'histoires, nous avons signer une super entente avec les etats unis qui disait que nous pourrions fabriquer des voitures pour une marque mais pas avoir notre propre marque... Sa nous avantageais a l'époque.. :dunno:
Au Canada on pourra jamais avoir notre propre marque de voiture... Si je me rappel bien de mes cours d'histoires, nous avons signer une super entente avec les etats unis qui disait que nous pourrions fabriquer des voitures pour une marque mais pas avoir notre propre marque... Sa nous avantageais a l'époque.. :dunno:

on a Campagna mais c'est pas vraiment des vrais voitures.
Au Canada on pourra jamais avoir notre propre marque de voiture... Si je me rappel bien de mes cours d'histoires, nous avons signer une super entente avec les etats unis qui disait que nous pourrions fabriquer des voitures pour une marque mais pas avoir notre propre marque... Sa nous avantageais a l'époque.. :dunno:

On devrait changer ça , mais les maudits conservateurs voudront jamais parce qu'ils vont vouloir protégé les gros capitalistes investisseurs américains.
Huh? Any domestic car is actually a car that is made either in the US or Canada. There is no distinction. So Canada makes a shitload of cars. Any GM, Ford, or Chrysler is build with lots of parts made in Canada and many of them go through final assembly in Canada. Windsor probably makes more cars than Detroit now.
Even Quebec was involved in final assembly. Every single Camaro and Firebird was made in Ste Therese.

So any domestic brand is as much Canadian as it is American.
not bad , i don't recall quebec having made their own cars, considering all the problems they have in Iran , it surprises me that they are more creative and innovative than people in quebec.

ok.... with that user name im guessing your russian... but your obviously an uneducated russian.... usually russians are smarter when it comes to history and what happens around the world....

now THAT comment.... is HILARIOUS... you live under a rock dont you?

i cant even believe your surprised that Iranian/Persian society is more creative and innovative then QUEBEC people????

please.... do me a favor... go open a few history books and even look around at the amount of doctors/engineers that are iranian

and for everyone else reading my reply.... im not saying iran is the best or bla bla bla.... far from it... but these kind of replies just make me laugh....
ok.... with that user name im guessing your russian... but your obviously an uneducated russian.... usually russians are smarter when it comes to history and what happens around the world....

now THAT comment.... is HILARIOUS... you live under a rock dont you?

i cant even believe your surprised that Iranian/Persian society is more creative and innovative then QUEBEC people????

please.... do me a favor... go open a few history books and even look around at the amount of doctors/engineers that are iranian

my comment was to make fun of quebequers but i guess my sacarsm went undetected.
And your acting like a typical Iranian, always ready to press the red button.
Take a chill pill :)
i detect sarcasm very well usually... if it trully was sarcasm then ill say

NAZDAROVIA *if thats how its written*

P.S. I was in russia for 20 days this summer :) ....
i detect sarcasm very well usually... if it trully was sarcasm then ill say

NAZDAROVIA *if thats how its written*

P.S. I was in russia for 20 days this summer :) ....
you are right I should have added *...* at the end of my sentence .

Nazdarovia to you too :)
A good thing Putin is supporting Iran towards the bigger Tyrani (USA)
ok.... with that user name im guessing your russian... but your obviously an uneducated russian...

Isn't that a very bad insult to say that to a Russian? By his lack of fiery answer, I'd say he is not a Russian at all. The overly simplistic Russian nickname also casts doubts on his true origin...

But that is irrelevant. As a Quebecker, I fail to be offended by his remark. I'd like to know how building a copy of a 1990s car using the help of France is being "creative".

Besides, building reshaped French cars was tried here and abandonned 30 years ago (Go read up on "Manic" cars when you have 3 seconds).
not bad , i don't recall quebec having made their own cars, considering all the problems they have in Iran , it surprises me that they are more creative and innovative than people in quebec.

Yeah, people here are making jet airplanes instead of cars. Now you tell me which is more creative: a cheesy 90s French car copy or a modern private or medium size jet?

And if we start insulting car industries of various countries then Russia can be placed right above Ukraine. But that's like outrunning a one legged man.
But I did hear that in India they put cow pies on hoods of cars to cool them. The phrase "shitty cars" come immediately to mind.
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