Petite pédale au centre Bell

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The holder of this ticket assumes any and all liabilities as to the risks and dangers that may result from this event and waives, any claim for loss or damage whatever the cause, incurred or suffered by the holder, wether occuring before, during or after the event.


Le detenteur de ce billet assume toutes les responsabilites quant aux risques et danger pouvant decouler de cet evenement et renonce a toutes reclamations pour pertes et dommage resultant de quelque cause que ce soit, subit par le detenteur, que ce soit avant, pendant ou apres l'evenement.

you're right, but I think there's something in QC civil code that says in contracts you can't sign off on personal injury. Like you can sign off on injury to property, possesions etc, but you cannot sign off on personal injury... someone might have better info, but I think that if they ask you to sign off on personal injury (mental harm included), it renders the contract illegal in QC or something (I had business law class early in the morning and my memory of those lectures is sketchy at best lol)---Lawyers on MR please clarify lol
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