opening up a business

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New member
alright, i need some information before going and registering my business.
basically, i am married, so here's how things are,
i want to open a business under my name and declare the income with my wife (50/50).
i originally thought that i could just register under "entreprise individuelle/sole proprietorships" and since i am married that we could declare our income as 50/50 since she owns half of whatever i own... eventhought the company was created under my name.
Entreprise individuelle

some people are telling me that unstead, i should register under "societe de personnes/ partnerships" and more precisely under " societe en nom collectif/general partnership" which sounds right too.

just wondering which one could be more "economical" and more suitable to my needs,
va consulter un professionnel (tel un comptable ).... Les enjeux de ta décisions sont importants. La façon de créer une entreprise est très importante selon chaque situation. Les conséquences d'une mauvaise décision peuvent avoir des répercussions futures importantes, autant sur le plan de l'impôt qu'en cas de faillite.
your wife doesn' necessarily have to own 50% of it, meaning depending on how you create your company, she may not be allowed to 50% if you were to get divorced in the future, although I hope it doesn't happen to you, it is definitely something you should consider.
agreed, any place or quebec programs you can recommand to help discuss the matter?
links i have tons, i am more looking for someone i can speak to...
before i talk to accounting/ notary/ lawyer...

va consulter un professionnel (tel un comptable ).... Les enjeux de ta décisions sont importants. La façon de créer une entreprise est très importante selon chaque situation. Les conséquences d'une mauvaise décision peuvent avoir des répercussions futures importantes, autant sur le plan de l'impôt qu'en cas de faillite.
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