If Cannabis Smoking Didn’t Adversely Impact Lung Function, would you have heard?

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weed doesn't work well for everyone either. that's fine. but don't generalize a few distinct cases

Show me where I have generalized.

Anyway, to use your way of thinking; have you ever heard of someone going to rehab for nicotine addiction lol no. I have tried to stop on so many occasions and could not see myself be a non smoker... yet, once I made the decision to stop and never light up again, it was easy for me to stop cold turkey.
all of u shut it.
Show me where I have generalized.

Anyway, to use your way of thinking; have you ever heard of someone going to rehab for nicotine addiction lol no. I have tried to stop on so many occasions and could not see myself be a non smoker... yet, once I made the decision to stop and never light up again, it was easy for me to stop cold turkey.

That is just bullshit because nicotine is a very very well known addictive substance. "Rehab" centers for nicotine addiction don't exist because you don't go around doing stupid shit when you are on it.

Also, many people mix their weed with tobacco in close to 1/1 ratio. THIS creates a physical addiction... on top of running the good shitz's taste, making you dizzy and spit no-stop for 2-3 minutes.

I have a schizo friend also. If he is on his medication and smokes, he just behaves like anybody that is normal but if he's off his medication and about to go wild and smokes... it's just like putting oil on a fire and next thing we know he is off the Norway barefooted, on foot.

Un joint = 7 cigarettes en terme de toxicité pulmonaire. Et je suis bien placé pour vous dire ça.

Non seulement c'est mauvais pour les poumons, mais ça cause des dommages neurologiques au niveau du cerveau.

Le lien est encore flou entre la schizophrénie et le cannabis. C'est le dilemme de l'oeuf ou la poule: est-ce que les gens qui fument beaucoup de cannabis développent alors la schizophrénie, ou est-ce que les gens sont schizophrenes precocément et fume beaucoup de cannabis pour atténuer leurs symptomes?

Je crois tout de même que le cannabis dans la jeunesse augmente le risque de développer une schizophrénie.

Un joint = 7 cigarettes en terme de toxicité pulmonaire. Et je suis bien placé pour vous dire ça.

Non seulement c'est mauvais pour les poumons, mais ça cause des dommages neurologiques au niveau du cerveau.

Le lien est encore flou entre la schizophrénie et le cannabis. C'est le dilemme de l'oeuf ou la poule: est-ce que les gens qui fument beaucoup de cannabis développent alors la schizophrénie, ou est-ce que les gens sont schizophrenes precocément et fume beaucoup de cannabis pour atténuer leurs symptomes?

Je crois tout de même que le cannabis dans la jeunesse augmente le risque de développer une schizophrénie.

if you will make claims like that, would you please show us studies/papers etc .. proving such.
Cannabis: the next villain on the lung cancer battlefield? -- Brambilla and Colonna 31 (2): 227 -- European Respiratory Journal

If the respiratory community wants to continue this trend in countries where tobacco regulations are enforced, should it raise the alarm against the arrival of a new villain on the lung cancer battlefield? The study by Aldington et al. 6, in the present issue of the European Respiratory Journal, shows that the risk of developing lung cancer is higher in a population of cannabis smokers as compared with a population matched for associated tobacco consumption. In this population-based, case–control study, the cases are representative of the distribution of cancers according to histology, age and sex, and the quantification of the association between cannabis smoking and lung cancer is representative of situations that may be encountered in countries similar to New Zealand. In this population, the risk of lung cancer among cannabis smokers with ≥10.5 joint-yrs of exposure was 5.7-fold higher than the risk among noncannabis smokers.

Une référence rapide, mais c'est les données rapportées dans plusieurs sources/études et c'est les données qu'on nous apprend à l'université.
Cannabis: the next villain on the lung cancer battlefield? -- Brambilla and Colonna 31 (2): 227 -- European Respiratory Journal

If the respiratory community wants to continue this trend in countries where tobacco regulations are enforced, should it raise the alarm against the arrival of a new villain on the lung cancer battlefield? The study by Aldington et al. 6, in the present issue of the European Respiratory Journal, shows that the risk of developing lung cancer is higher in a population of cannabis smokers as compared with a population matched for associated tobacco consumption. In this population-based, case–control study, the cases are representative of the distribution of cancers according to histology, age and sex, and the quantification of the association between cannabis smoking and lung cancer is representative of situations that may be encountered in countries similar to New Zealand. In this population, the risk of lung cancer among cannabis smokers with ≥10.5 joint-yrs of exposure was 5.7-fold higher than the risk among noncannabis smokers.

Une référence rapide, mais c'est les données rapportées dans plusieurs sources/études et c'est les données qu'on nous apprend à l'université.

Do they show you all the good effects in your uni classes? Do they also tell you that the Gov of the world are shutting down studies that reveals good effects of the plants? Cannabis is not only a bowl its a plant with so many uses people who hate on Cannabis are *td**byewhore*
Ouin quand tu verras tous les jeunes qui deviennent schizophrenes a cause du cannabis, on s'en reparlera ;)

Oldest Marijuana Stash Found in Gobi Desert Grave

He got buried with it, 2700 years ago. The oldest stash known to man. And if anybody would turn schizophrenic we would have heard of it during Woodstock when more than 80% of youths smoked this vicious narcotic.

Studies link marijuana use with schizophrenia

[...]Thus if a young person is genetically at risk for schizophrenia, the research suggests, the use of marijuana can cause the same kind of damage the schizophenia would cause, which could bring on the illness when it might otherwise have not have emerged, cause earlier onset, and/or worsen the condition.

Newsday quoted one of the study's authors, Dr. Manzar Ashtari, as saying, ""Don't put yourself at risk, especially if you have a family history of schizophrenia or severe mental illness -- especially when the brain is still growing."
Oldest Marijuana Stash Found in Gobi Desert Grave

He got buried with it, 2700 years ago. The oldest stash known to man. And if anybody would turn schizophrenic we would have heard of it during Woodstock when more than 80% of youths smoked this vicious narcotic.

Studies link marijuana use with schizophrenia

Oui mais on voit de plus en plus d'émergence de schizophrénie sans antécédent familial de schizophrenie ou de maladie mentale, sur la consommation de cannabis; c'est ça le problème. C'est n'est plus seulement considéré comme un facteur precipitatnt, mais meme parfois comme un agent causal.

Et c'est pas cannabis = schizophrenie... Des millions de personnes a travers le monde fument le cannabis et elles ne deviennent pas schizos...
L'affaire avec la schizophrénie c'est que tu dois être prédisposé au départ pour que ça se déclenche. Il faut un évènement perturbateur qui déclenchera la maladie.

La marijuana déclenche souvent le processus chez les gens prédisposés. L'affaire c'est que ces gens auraient probablement déclenché la schizophrénie à cause d'un autre évènement pertubateur dans le futur.

La marijuana ne peut pas causer la schizophrénie. C'est comme dire que le sexe en général cause nécessairement le Sida. C'est complètement absurde.

Au travers mes études en Psychologie, j'ai lu de nombreuses études sur le sujet.

La marijuana fait partie des Perturbateurs. Ce n'est pas surprenant que ça perturbe des gens plus prédisposés à cette maladie. On devrait plus parler de LSD que de drogues douces.

Fait intéressant: Avec le temps, la maladie modifie physiquement le cerveau de la personne atteinte.
Oui mais on voit de plus en plus d'émergence de schizophrénie sans antécédent familial de schizophrenie ou de maladie mentale, sur la consommation de cannabis; c'est ça le problème. C'est n'est plus seulement considéré comme un facteur precipitatnt, mais meme parfois comme un agent causal.

Et c'est pas cannabis = schizophrenie... Des millions de personnes a travers le monde fument le cannabis et elles ne deviennent pas schizos...

Overview: Use of street drugs (including LSD,methamphetamine,marijuana/hash/cannabis) and alcohol have been linked with significantly increased probability of developing psychosis and schizophrenia. This link has been documented in over 30 different scientific studies (studies done mostly in the UK, Australia and Sweden) over the past 20 years. In one example, a study interviewed 50,000 members of the Swedish Army about their drug consumption and followed up with them later in life. Those who were heavy consumers of cannabis at age 18 were over 600% more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia over the next 15 years than those did not take it. (see diagram below). Experts estimate that between 8% and 13% of all schizophrenia cases are linked to marijuna / cannabis use during teen years. It is also notable that some research suggests that alcohol abuse is a stronger predictor of psychotic symptoms than regular cannabis use (by a factor of four).

Quick, ban alcohol! ;)
i smoke many times a day, every day for the passed 2 years. i can count the number of 24hr periods i have gone through not smoking on probably my 2 hands. i went to NYC and didn't smoke for 4 days and was perfectly fine.

i will admit that on those days, some times i won't be able to sleep. not because of a physical addiction, but admitedly because of a phychological addiction. it's a routine for my body to smoke in the hours before bed. so i was a little anxy......but hey, i fell asleep just fine soon enough.

did i have to go to rehab? is this a huge problem? no. it's just a change in routine. and i'll add that there have been times when i still could fall asleep with no problems after not smoking.

-it's less addictive than cigarettes, by far, also in the sense that it's not chemically addictive. only a mental dependance that is fairly easily dealt with when one WANTS to.

-in all history, have you ever heard of ANYONE going into rehab for POT? lol...no

i've been cutting down a lot, not a decision, it just happens. i have less desire to smoke recently. how often do you hear about someone who smokes 1-2 grams a day for 5 years straight, and then just decides to stop? it's more of a phase for most people. a brief adopted lifestyle, and get bored with it.

others smoke chronically for decades. these various situations are the result of choises, otherwize there wouldn't be such variations in how much people smoke over the course of their lives. you ever seen people who are "kind of" addicted to heroin? no. it's just addicted and they need it and need it.

some people smoke once a year, once a month, once a week, once a day....hardly sounds like something addictive that takes control of your life.

granted there are people who have addictive personalities, and people who will be affected by the catalyst effect weed can have on schizophrenia. but the people who develop those illnesses ALREADY HAD THIS PREDISPOSITION and would have eventually encountered psychological problems regardless of their having smoked pot.

weed doesn't work well for everyone either. that's fine. but don't generalize a few distinct cases (small numbers compared to the global number of smokers) all into one category. if someone tries it 2-3 times and always makes them paranoid, mind racing and uncomfortable, then fine, i agree that person should probably stay away from it. but if you've been smoking habitually for a while and have never encountered any problems, then you are compatible for the good times!

if i'm not schizo in a month, i'm not going to be in a year, in 2 years, in ever.

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