U laugh U lose

^what exactly is funny in that video?

then again might be something in it, LG got 10 likes for his living room pic that I do not get either.
Read what's on the TV screen

Then read it again


You will get it

Got it. I can be slow a times, did not even read, concentrated on the Chinese in the background and the bad caulking job. Goof thing you still have time for small talk from wherever you are lol
Got it. I can I be slow a times, did not even read, concentrated on the Chinese in the background and the bad caulking job. Goof thing you still have time for small talk from wherever you are lol
Actually I had turned off WiFi because it was quite depressing to read the news.

Then my father sent an SMS telling me borders would close except for Canadians on Wednesday and thus most flights would likely be cancelled.

So now debating if it's worth scrambling to get home .. even if we try we would only save 2 days, I am on Phu Quoc island right now so not even near a major airport
The island and the water looks mint. food must be amazing too, hows the Pho?
It was better on the mainland

We moved to the island on a resort so we don't have to stress about quarantine and such. The beach is incredible and we have a bungalow upgrade hehe.
Esti qui est du pour sa retraite lui!

La retraite est proposée seulement quand ils sont rendus à la 5ième couche de fond de teint.

Sérieux - je l'ai rencontré une fois par hazard en allant gosser le PC a l'ancien analyste financier du canal Argent de TVA pour mon ancienne job pis c'est épeurant on dirait qu'il est empaillé.

Pourtant selon sa page wiki il est quand même pas SI vieux que ça je pense il a pas 70 ans mais c'est certain que LUI y'est a risque de contracter le Coronavirus. Selon moi TVA attendent juste ça pour faire un spécial de son lit d'hopital.