U laugh U lose

2 trucs persos:

Russian_M3 downtown cette semaine:

En revenant à la maison. Ca raconte une histoire en soi: fier de mon boyyy!

wtf le deebot, just got myself the 920 ozmo at CT, and it did the same this weekend ! lol they like iron, I should get engaged with him, he's a step forward from my wife.

wtf le deebot, just got myself the 920 ozmo at CT, and it did the same this weekend ! lol they like iron, I should get engaged with him, he's a step forward from my wife.

Mine keeps breaking into my daughter's bedroom - closed door - and coiling her charge cables around its little rotating brushes. Nobody knows how it opens the door my daughter "closes" before heading out to University... (kids never grow up...)

Will Smith may not be the best person to use for that meme...

x2 given his offspring...