U laugh U lose

I think he quit his job.....we haven't heard him bitching about his coworkers in a while. Either that or he realized HE was the problem...

Just because I don't bitch and moan about them in a place you can access doesn't mean I don't bitch and moan about them.

You should ask me if I care lol

Especially coming from you!

If you didn't care you wouldn't have bothered replying. My bet is that you're either a guy impersonating a girl for kicks and giggles because behind Internet or you're so single that if you were stuck on a desert island with an average guy he'd still rather fuck a coconut than risk a relationship with you.

Just because I don't bitch and moan about them in a place you can access doesn't mean I don't bitch and moan about them.

If you didn't care you wouldn't have bothered replying. My bet is that you're either a guy impersonating a girl for kicks and giggles because behind Internet or you're so single that if you were stuck on a desert island with an average guy he'd still rather fuck a coconut than risk a relationship with you.
Lol yes LG....yes....me care so much what strangers think of me lol