U laugh U lose

a while ago, when the internetz wasn't a thing, most people from the united states had a hard time locating Canada on a map, lol, no joke, do you think anyone knew what "quebec" was lol.....some knew there were "some french canadians" up in the north somewhere.... I will agree that available information on the internet helped a lot, but none the less they made quite a progress in regards to their knowledge about french canadians since those years, give them time, they'll end up getting it right lol
Je pense qu'en partie il a fumé son chandail.

lol il l'a eu son buzz on vas dire ...

ceci étant dit, sérieux? tellement de places cachées ou tu peux fumer même dans le centre ville..., tu vas peut-être avoir un peu d'amour non voulu d'un itinérant, ou un rabais pour une pipe d'une hoe avec le sida, mais....... en réfléchissant, tu sais quoi laisses faire, le gars ye mieux fumer son chandail...