20 worst drinks in North America

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Cold Stone PB&C drink eww!!!! i didnt know that some drink can have this much calories, sugar and fat
Well I hope they have that moo latte thing at DQ cause I'm going tonight :D


Seriously this list is pretty interesting though, A lot of these have tons of cream in them, take out the cream and they'd have half of everything.
le plus traits c'est le Tropicana Tropical Fruit Fury Twister (14em)....les 1ers c'est pas mal plus des desserts un peu comme dla creme glacé fondu. Mais le Tropicana Tropical Fruit Fury Twister c'est vraiment juste du jus.....ya du monde qui boit sa a place de leau ( surtout les black , no offense). Sa monte vite a 340 calories....
That's some epic fattie makers right there

I only drink Club soda and fruit smoothies on a daily basis and some beer once a week...I don't understand people who drink only soft drinks at all times...even when I go to a restaurant, it's always water for me!
yen as des criss de degeu

fuck les moolate lol ... bah moi chez dq je les petit moolate moka menthe :D

et fuck rockstar vive monster:D
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