Feature Article: The end of an era: SCP is no more

cool bio, went to a couple of the first shows, but since I'm not much of a tuner, never went back .... personally I prefer the outdoor shows anyways.

Nice job on the pictures, was nice to see some of those cars again!


seen this car recently, basically rotting in back of a building in Dorion.....
SCP will forever be remember as the best car show in Canada. It's just sad to see them leave, however the situation can be understandable.

The car/tuning scene isn't what it used to be a decade ago, where it used to be more helpful/informative and creativity ran rampant. Today it seems that everyone raises the flag on "rice" too quickly, therefore it hinder's growth. Most cars you will see are tuned the same way or are trying to get to the same point, which is "hella flush". In turns, this doesn't make it a great car show, because how many cars that are going to show up stock & drop to flush with nothing else really added. Very clean look, and I don't dislike it, but a car show needs variety. Also, who's going to want to bring their cars too a show so someone can throw "rice" in front of them.
back when i was still into photography, each of my subsequent visits to SCP resulted in less and less pictures of cars and more and more pictures of slutty models... but maybe that's just me :p
This is sad, I had a feeling this was coming. I think its a shame, we had something really good in MTL. A lot of people talk shit but its only until things are gone that you realize and appreciate what we had...i cant believe it.

Thanks Danny for the info and thanks Team SCP for all the great shows.
Countless friendships had been made through the years thanks for Ben & Minh. Good to see Brossard boys doing some good for the city!

It's true that in the beginning the majority of the cars that went there were riced out but in the later years the show became more respectable. Yes there were still rice wagons but there were sick rides too. Sorry to see the show go... Thanks for the info Danny.
Le sujet du thread aurait plutot du être ;

The end of an era ; Tuning in Quebec is no more.

Un tip d'exhaust brillant = ticket.
Une drop trop agressive = ticket
Un lip sur un char = Y doit avoir un exhaust = ticket

By the way, c'est dommage. Même si y'avais des rice car, y'avais aussi du beau stock et c'étais toujours le fun d'aller voir ca.
What happens when a business stops making money? It closes down. This is the case with SCP. There are still plenty of nice cars out there but the people who own them have better things to do then sit 3 days at a car show listening to stupid questions from ti counes from some hick town.
heir passion for cars will likely never go anywhere but after a decade of hanging out in parking lots, going to the Orange Julep, going to other shows and generally getting your hands dirty in the way that is required to properly hype up a show, the same drive that existed at the beginning might not have been there anymore.


This sentence stuck out for me, hanging out in parking lots is such a universal 'car guy' thing
Belle article !!

au moin j'ai gagné un 1iere place show n shine korean other.c'etait quand meme cool a cette epoque :bigup:

ca fait deja longtemps haaaaaaaaaaa :D:D:D:D

le look de vla 7 ans.
korean other.... sa pas aidé pour les ricer sa!

Le sujet du thread aurait plutot du être ;

The end of an era ; Tuning in Quebec is no more.

Un tip d'exhaust brillant = ticket.
Une drop trop agressive = ticket
Un lip sur un char = Y doit avoir un exhaust = ticket

By the way, c'est dommage. Même si y'avais des rice car, y'avais aussi du beau stock et c'étais toujours le fun d'aller voir ca.

fuck yeah!
le tuning etais rendu dégénéré ben raide si tu avais pas 10 000$ d'ecran plasma dans ton char , un kit de sons plus lourd que le char lui meme , une peinture metalflake , qui aveugle au soleil et 50 lbs de collant pense pas gagné un trophé , cé dommage que ça soit fini mais c'est un mal necessaire
There's less and less modified car shows in Montreal..Now all that's left pretty much is meets or shows at the drags.
Great article. The french version could be reworked. There's a couple words that barely make sense and some verb tenses that could be changed. Let me know if you need something translated in the future it'll be my pleasure.
Great article Danny. Kinda sad story though for Montreal tho...
I will always remember my dub in the MR booth! Good times!!
Le sujet du thread aurait plutot du être ;

The end of an era ; Tuning in Quebec is no more.

Un tip d'exhaust brillant = ticket.
Une drop trop agressive = ticket
Un lip sur un char = Y doit avoir un exhaust = ticket


la verité en 3 simple ligne
