Ceux a la diete, vous mangez quoi ?

currently on the Warrior diet by Ori Hofmekler as adapted for athletes using a BCAA protocol by Wesley Silveira... currently set at 2500 cals/day but i think this might be too aggressive for me, i should be closer to 2700-3000, yup that's right, losing weight too quickly i find, just under 2#/week after shedding water weight, gym performance is still great... i weight 216# down from 231# at new years @ 5'11"

the diet is basically set up as 2-3 underfeeding meals during the day and a feast at night, yup, you get most of your calories at night!! it's based on the manipulation of the sympathic/parasympathetic modes the body functions on and works quite well... i try to keep the macros more or less iso-caloric and aim for a protein intake of 200-300g/day

typical day for me:

meal 1:
10g BCAA
35g micellar casein
cup of berries

meal 2:
10g BCAA
35g micellar casein
cup of berries

huge salad/olive oil
lotsa dead animal
soups (lentil/veggie)
whole wheat pasta

meal 4:
casein shake

on workout days, i will sip on 30g BCAA during workout and add milk to my casein shake post workout and consume my berries as usual

i could easily eat more than 2500 cals/day, when i was training for my last competition i could easily consume 4000+ cals/day

Tu mange seulement le soir un vraie repas ???????

j'adore le concept sa me fait chier manger 6 repas par jours et j'ai de la misere a tout manger....Si tu peu me donner plus d'info sur la diet :)
it's excellent for a busy person... who has time to spend all day in the kitchen cooking?

there's a few books related to this diet:
ori hofmekler's original Warrior Diet book
Wesley Silveira's Metabolic Rebound diet book

or you can just search the net cross referencing the info i already provided you
currently on the Warrior diet by Ori Hofmekler as adapted for athletes using a BCAA protocol by Wesley Silveira... currently set at 2500 cals/day but i think this might be too aggressive for me, i should be closer to 2700-3000, yup that's right, losing weight too quickly i find, just under 2#/week after shedding water weight, gym performance is still great... i weight 216# down from 231# at new years @ 5'11"

the diet is basically set up as 2-3 underfeeding meals during the day and a feast at night, yup, you get most of your calories at night!! it's based on the manipulation of the sympathic/parasympathetic modes the body functions on and works quite well... i try to keep the macros more or less iso-caloric and aim for a protein intake of 200-300g/day

typical day for me:

meal 1:
10g BCAA
35g micellar casein
cup of berries

meal 2:
10g BCAA
35g micellar casein
cup of berries

huge salad/olive oil
lotsa dead animal
soups (lentil/veggie)
whole wheat pasta

meal 4:
casein shake

on workout days, i will sip on 30g BCAA during workout and add milk to my casein shake post workout and consume my berries as usual

i could easily eat more than 2500 cals/day, when i was training for my last competition i could easily consume 4000+ cals/day

how much does a diet like this cost per month (including workout days), if you don't include the feast and berries?
Casein whey is the same cost as protein. between 40 and 60$ for a 5lbs.

1000 cap of bcaa are cheap, about 20 or 25 buck

So you just have to calculate the amount of g of prot and g of bcaa peer day.

no caps for BCAAs, that'll be super expensive actually i get a 4:1:1 mix of pure BCAA powder, i buy online in bulk, in stores casein is stupidly marked up compared to whey (2.2lbs @~40$) and BCAAs in powder are also expensive (2.2lbs @~100$), or at least the ones i saw at popeyes...

5 lbs of casein and 5lbs of BCAAs cost me 130$ so just split it up into how many doses you take et voila
J'aime trop la bouffe, j'aime mieux juste m'entrainer plus.

au moins je suis pas seul a penser comme sa haha!!
Je prend 3 omega-3 le matin, je mange facilement au toutes les 2-3heures et je m'entraine 4 fois semaines, j'engraisse pas mais je grossis pas, sa c'est un autre probleme par contre xD
no caps for BCAAs, that'll be super expensive actually i get a 4:1:1 mix of pure BCAA powder, i buy online in bulk, in stores casein is stupidly marked up compared to whey (2.2lbs @~40$) and BCAAs in powder are also expensive (2.2lbs @~100$), or at least the ones i saw at popeyes...

5 lbs of casein and 5lbs of BCAAs cost me 130$ so just split it up into how many doses you take et voila

how much does each cost separately? according to my calculations 5 lbs of BCAA lasts you three times longer than 5 lbs of casein (i think you use about 3000g of casein and 900g of BCAA per month if you train 2-3 times per week). also, can you pls provide links for where you bought them?
Je vais donner des exemple de repas et collation pour que ça vous aide.

Imaginons par exemple une personne de 200 lbs-91 kilos a 13-15% de gras

Pendant 2 semaines

Proteine: (6 blanc d'oeuf + 100g de boeuf haché extra maigre) ou (1 oeuf complet, 3 blanc d'oeuf, 100g de jambon)
Gras: 22 amandes
omega3 huile de poisson 1 cuillère a thé

Proteine: 1 canne de thon
Produit laitier: (2 yogourt 0% de 100g) ou (80g de fromage allegro) ou (150g de cottage 1%)... ou (75g de cottage+100g de yogourt 0%)

Proteine: 250g de poulet
Gras: Huile d'olive 1 cuillère a soupe ou 22 amandes
Légumes Vert
omega3 huile de poisson 1 cuillère a thé

Proteine: Whey ou l'équivalent de 150g de jambon
Légumes vert

Proteine: 200g de boeuf haché extra maigre ou saumon...
Gras: Huile d'olive 1 cuillère a soupe ou huile de coconut ou 1/2 Avocat
Légumes vert
omega3 huile de poisson 1 cuillère a thé

Apres entrainement:
Whey Isolate 2 scoops
Glutamine 30-40g

Collation du couché:
Proteine: 1 scoop de Caséine + 75g de Dinde
omega3 huile de poisson 1 cuillère a thé

Bref comme vous pouvez le voir, vous pouvez varier vos choix d'aliment pour apporter du changement car manger tout le jour exactement la même chose ça peut être difficile pour certain...

Apres ce 2 semaines on se permet une journée de triche ou on mange et bois tout ce qu'on veut!!!!

Choix de Protéine: Blanc D'oeuf, Oeuf complet, Saumon, Truite, Tilapia, Thon, Sole, Viande sauvage, Boeuf extra Maigre, Cheval, Bison, Poulet, Dinde, Porc , Jambon, Crevettes/fruit de mer...

Choix de gras: Amandes, Noix, Huiles d'olives, Huile de coconut, Avocat, Mayonaise sans gras...

Choix de produit laitier: Fromage cottage, fromage allegro, yagourt...

Choix de Légumes verts: Brocolie, salade, concombre, épinard, choux, célerie, asperge.

Plus on perd du gras en dessous de 10%, on peut commencer a introduire des glucide a faible indice glycémique...

J'espère vous avoir un peu plus éclairer sur une première approche et façon de faire.

Diete Phase 2
Voici les changement que j'apporterais apres 2 semaines de la Phase 1:

Toujours l'exemple d'une personne de 200 lbs-91 kilos:...

Proteine: (3 blanc d'oeuf + 100g de boeuf haché extra maigre) ou (3 blanc d'oeuf, 100g de jambon)
Fruit: 1 pomme ou 150g de petit fruit, fraises/framboises/bleuet/mures...
omega3 huile de poisson 1 cuillère a thé

Proteine: 1 canne de thon
Produit laitier: (1 yogourt 0% de 100g) ou (40g de fromage allegro) ou (75g de cottage 1%)...

Proteine: 250g de poulet
Gras: Huile d'olive 1 cuillère a soupe ou 22 amandes
Légumes Vert
omega3 huile de poisson 1 cuillère a thé

Proteine: Whey ou l'équivalent de 150g de jambon
Légumes vert

Proteine: 200g de boeuf haché extra maigre ou saumon...
Gras: Huile d'olive 1 cuillère a soupe ou huile de coconut ou 1/2 Avocat
Légumes vert
omega3 huile de poisson 1 cuillère a thé

Apres entrainement:
Proteine: Whey Isolate 2 scoops
Fruit: 150g de petit fruit, fraises/framboises/bleuet/mures
Glutamine 20g

Collation du couché:
Proteine: 1 scoop de Caséine + 75g de Dinde
omega3 huile de poisson 1 cuillère a thé

Choix de fruit:
2 Tangerine,
150g Raisin,
150g fraises/framboises/bleuet/mures
150g ananas
150g de cerises

Un repas de triche a tout les 5 jours ou on mange et bois absolument tout ce qu'on veut !!!

Moi je suis sa et sa marche!

Now that's a diet.

It's so damn expensive when you want to maintain healthy eating habits when you're on the go. I barely eat out because of that..
i know, i just buy 10lbs at a time cause it's convenient for me, next i'll get 10lbs of casein and it equals out


they deliver USPS and NOT UPS (no brokerage fees!!!) to montreal because of me, they're excellent on the customer service side and have quality products
I'm trying to gain weight and mass so I eat lots of food as much as I can take per meal 6 meals a day some I eat mostly things on this list
eggs, oatmeal, pasta, beef, chicken, smoked meat, lots of fish, salmon, trout, tuna, sushi, veil, rice, bread, cheese on everything, peanut butter, fruits, and a bunch of other things but mostly this stuff, I drink tons of milk and if not water.
Protein shake only immediately after the gym because it is absorbed very fast and has a lot of extras like bcaa, non-essential amino acids, and recovery minerals, but that's it only after a work out , supplements will never replace good food

been doing this for a bit over 3 months and working out as well hard 6 days a week and have gained almost 30lbs
Déjeuner : 12 oeufs ( 10 blancs + 2 entiers ) + Un sachet de gruau + 200ml de Jus pur breakfast Oasis

collation : 1 scoop de whey dans de l'eau avec des fruits

diner: Poulet ou Thon ou Boeuf Haché extra maigre + brocoli

collation : 1 fruit ( souvent des pommes + barre de proteine ( je prend la Protein Edge seulement 12g de carbs pour 26g de protéines )

souper : Viande ou poisson avec légumes mais pas de carbs ( pas de patate ni riz ni pâtes etc )

je boie que de l'eau et au moin 2 à 3l par jour

petite collation légère si tu as faim max 1h avant de te coucher ..c'est pas mal mon régime c'est temps si et je n'ai pas trop de misère c'est devenu une habitude , mais les 2 première semaines étaient rough ..et 1 ou 2 cheat semaine pas plus

4 à 5 jours de Musculation 50 min max + cardio 30 min avec intervalles ( 1min à 90% intensité / 30 sec à 60% ) après chaque training

avant ton training tu peux prendre des bon carbs à IG moyen ( blé entier , avoine , riz brun ou basmatie , sweet potatoes etc )
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I just started to go to the gym again (6 days a week).

I stopped all activities for a year due to a knee injury and gain a freaking ugly beer belly which now I wanna loose ASAP.

Right now I'm doing cardio which is what I'm lacking.. so I started last week with 30min of treadmill doing intervals of jogging/sprinting/fast passe walking.
Then I do a series of 4 abs exercises and stretch for 10 min.

I started eating more fruits, veggies and anything nut related.

Any suggestions on what could help me out would be appreciated :bigup:

PS: I'm 6'2" 201lbs when I checked my weight this past Sunday.
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I just started to go to the gym again (6 days a week).

I stopped all activities for a year due to a knee injury and gain a freaking ugly beer belly which now I wanna loose ASAP.

Right now I'm doing cardio which is what I'm lacking.. so I started last week with 30min of treadmill doing intervals of jogging/sprinting/fast passe walking.
Then I do a series of 4 abs exercises and stretch for 10 min.

I started eating more fruits, veggies and anything nut related.

Any suggestions on what could help me out would be appreciated :bigup:

PS: I'm 6'2" 201lbs when I checked my weight this past Sunday.

rofl don't eat fruits and nuts if you want to lose weight
^fruits are the best to lose weight, replace any given snack with a fruit and you win
it depends on the amounts. for me personally, i feel full only after i eat three large apples (348 cal, 70g of sugar).

how many cashews would be a good snack? a cup (136g)? well, that's only 786 calories (64g of fat)...

what the fuck?

Fruits and vegetables are the best thing to eat along with nuts that aren't too fatty (like unsalted almonds)
how about a cup (139g) of almonds? they're not too fatty, only 824 calories and 73g of fat.

sure, if you consider one medium apple or two tablespoons of cashews/almonds to be a filling snack (each of those options are around 100 calories), then that's great. however, if you're not a bird, then i suggest that you get a scale and check thoroughly how many calories there are in your snacks, you might be really surprised.
A cup of almonds? What the fuck are you on? lol

A snack is not a meal.

A snack is like 8-10 unsalted almonds, an apple and a bottle of water.

If you need a cup of almonds and 3 apples to fill you up, then you need a meal, brah.