ASE Lapping Club - 18 juillet 2011 - Soirée de lapping des lundi soirs


New member
Lapping comme d'habitude - Rain or Shine mais pas les éclairs/orages!:yikes:

Il s'annonce encore du temps chaud et collant; donc, j'inviterai tous les Rouges qui ont l'air climatisé à venir car les instructeurs vont se battre pour embarquer avec vous!:argue:

Où sont passés les Rouges du début de la saison? J'ai quasiment plus de bandes rouges?:p Mon cartable a encore pas mal de feuilles d'évaluation.

Bon, là, un peu de pub... Il y aura une compétition amicale d'autoslalom le 23 et 24 juillet; donc, venez participer si vous pensez être un bon pilote technique!:bigup: Voir le lien suivant:

À lundi!:butthead:
I will arrive around 630 and am still in red with working a/c lol
Last week was my first week with the club and had a great time regardless of the rain
I will arrive around 630 and am still in red with working a/c lol
Last week was my first week with the club and had a great time regardless of the rain
Je vais venir pour la premiere fois lundi aussi et mon a/c marche encore:p
I'll be there with the 'vette. Tires are close to finished in the back, let's get them completely finished before changing them... 4th consecutive day at the track!
J'aimerais bien retourner sur la piste, mais faute de budget, je vais p-e passer prendre des photos. :p
la dernière session a été trippante, j'ai bien aimé le traffic et en plus avec la noirceur ça donne une autre perspective
Had to turn back due to traffic/severe storm. Dammit!

What storm!?

À la piste, il faisait beau et chaud et humide.

Merci à tous pour la belle soirée. Tout le monde s'est bien comporté incluant les instructeurs!

On se voit la semaine prochaine!!
Well that was a lotta fun !
Thanks ASE Team you all contribute to make these events extremely enjoyable and safe !

As some of you are aware Harald of Harry's Lap Timer sent over some stuff for Beta testing, and during this time I had some time to play with the equipment.
It's a great item for those who just want to record a bit of fun !

Historically I have always been the one where everyone can enjoy some passing.:stan:
(not last Monday)

FYI Harry's Lap Timer records one lap of video and once the lap is over , it is sent to processing.A lap of video is skipped, but the data is retained.

Special Thanks to Stephane (FifthGear) who prepared and submitted the Autodrome St.Eustache Data into Harry's Lap Timer. :bigup:

..and another small thanks to Phil (untamed) who was a pain-in-da-ass @%^$@tard who wouldn't lift *frustrate..all in good fun cause you will understand when you hear the soundtrack.

Comments are welcome !
Video 1 of 2

Dave S
Couple of things mate!

The Bad(constructivly):
-First get on the power faster! Your car isn't that tail happy so you should be able to start accelerating right after the Apex.

-Second and last the hairpin, you are probably entering too quickly(tires) or too late(missing the apex) and deporting in the danger zone. I don't know if its still like that, but that area used to be a little slippery. (Taking it too wide)

The good:
Good job not following other peoples lines. :p

Bus stops are very good!

IMO. I am just a kid :p.
You're right, she isn't tail happy as her sister, and will have to adjust some timing.
I was going to get Pascal in there with me, but was having too much fun on Monday!

As for the hairpin, I usually using the school line to the cone, will re-visit this.

Thanx Forenze !