New Thank You System


Staff member
Instead of using a rep system I've installed a new system where you can "Thank" a user for a helpful post. The amount of thank yous a user receives is displayed under their avatar. The users who thanked a post are also displayed in a box underneath the post.
I feel i should thank you for such a helpful feature.

Much better than the rep system, i'm sure it won't be a popularity contest this time.
ce serait l'fun de pouvoir voir dans notre profile dans quel thread on a recu nos "thanks"


and also, I really like the idea of the thanks system, because it's easier to see who got "thanked", and it also gives some type of perspective on who is a good/useful poster versus who is shitty/useless.

Good Job Danny!
Danny sa marche pas, On peut pas remercier personne....

Y'a aucune possibilité de remercier personne. On voit les thread qui on été remercier par d'autre mais on voit pas le menu qui permet de thanker quelqu'un.... En voulant éliminer les thanks dans premmy je crois que tu a enlever completement le thanks pour les membre premmy