Pics of what hitting an air pocket over the Atlantic will do to your flight

I've had some BAD turbulence once coming back from Mexico and it was sketch... but nothing like those photos lol that must've been mad holyshitballs moment. I find the bigger the plane the less turbulence, like when I fly in a tin can on Porter I feel all kinds of shit but when I'm on a 7whatever it's not nearly as bad... physics.
I've had some BAD turbulence once coming back from Mexico and it was sketch... but nothing like those photos lol that must've been mad holyshitballs moment. I find the bigger the plane the less turbulence, like when I fly in a tin can on Porter I feel all kinds of shit but when I'm on a 7whatever it's not nearly as bad... physics.

True, but the physics revolve around wing load (google wing loading for details anyone) but the main reason your average Boeing is smoother than Porter Q400 has more to do with the fact turbulence can be avoided. With live weather in cockpits, turbulence can be forseen way ahead of time and aircraft can climb a little higher to avoid the rough air. This isnt always an option for Porter, because of the short-haul flights they cant climb much (propeller aircraft also limited to higher altitudes because the the air is too thin for engines to perform at peak)

During cruise, some choose to wear sealbelts some dont. I personally dont. For the purchase of my plane ticket I expect a little courtesy call from the flight crew warning bad air approaching. Enough time to mosy back to my seat and buckle up. Obviously not all turbulence can be forseen or avoided, but this is usually small bumbs on approach or take off

People have died from being tossed around in the plane. A british plane disintegrated over Japan because of an "air pocket". Scary shit.

An air pocket is VERY unlikely to bring a plane down. Planes are built to go thru this. Let's say you have more chance of dying from airplane parts falling out of the sky while walking on the street than an air pocket bringing an airplane down.
Une poche d'air c'est surtout une poche d'air d'une autre température...

L'avion quand elle vole les flap (volet) sont fermer pour baissé la trainer et etre plus économique sur le fuel MAIS sa diminue grandement la portance de l'avion.

Résultat? Tu vole dans de l'air a -40 degrée C, et comme on l'a apprit en physique, l'air froid est plus dense que l'air chaud donc l'avion a une tres bonne portance a -40 .

Alors tu vole a -40 avec les volet fermer, économie max, portance a la limite et la tu snap une poche d'air chaud....

Houston, on a plus de portance et bon soir on drop jusqu'a ce que:
-Pogne une poche d'air froid
-Reprend assez de vitesse pour raccrocher dans ce type d'air la
-Pilote soit tres rapide et effectue les manoeuvre en conséquence.

Et oui sa peut faire cracher un avion :
-L'avion ne reprend jamais le controle de sa chute
-L'avion prend trop de vitesse dans sa chute et la carlingue ne résiste pas a la charge extreme que subit les ailes quand l'avion reprend sa portance.
everytime I flew. I wear the seat belt. so I could ignore the warning and continue watching the movie.

I am use to fly in turbo prop and float planes. when I have work to do up north. those little plane feel like a roller coaster. I enjoy it.
on va ce le dire. Hôtesse de l'air une job de marde.

une serveuse ponier dans un tube bruillent avec de l air recycler avec 300 autres personnes qui veut pas etre la.

En plus elle ce fond calpulter dans les air avec les p'tit jus et le cafe.
tout ca pour 50k par annees.

fuck it.

P.S je suis amoureux de toute les hotesse de KLM