La STM veut être la meilleure au monde ---> Taxé encore plus

c'est sur que avec le salaire des esti d'chauffeur de bus pi de metro, faut allez chercher l,argent a quelque part
Before looking at stupid goals like this, they should:

-Make sure the trains don't break down every second hour
-Make sure the trains aren't ever down for 30+ minutes
-Improve their customer service, so clients aren't treated like shit if they're not French (obviously not all of the workers, but it's a growing trend)
-Ensure that buses aren't always late/don't show up

Who cares what the world thinks, it's the people who use the service that matter.
Before looking at stupid goals like this, they should:

-Make sure the trains don't break down every second hour
-Make sure the trains aren't ever down for 30+ minutes
-Improve their customer service, so clients aren't treated like shit if they're not French (obviously not all of the workers, but it's a growing trend)
-Ensure that buses aren't always late/don't show up

Who cares what the world thinks, it's the people who use the service that matter.

Ils vont te dire que c est exactement pour ca qu ils DOIVENT taxer les automobilistes. Fuck this. Je suis vraiment ecoeuré de me faire fourrer. I guess everybody was right afterall, this province is fucked. FUBAR.
Minimum wage at stm is 50k iirc.

For driving a fucking bus. The ultimate minimum requirement of human skills. no brains, no logic, no writing, no thinking, no danger, no responsibilities, no physically demanding task. Nothing. Just the basic skill of driving and holding your bladder for an hour. Big fucking deal.

U do barely anything, you should be paid barely anything.
Minimum wage at stm is 50k iirc.

For driving a fucking bus. The ultimate minimum requirement of human skills. no brains, no logic, no writing, no thinking, no danger, no responsibilities, no physically demanding task. Nothing. Just the basic skill of driving and holding your bladder for an hour. Big fucking deal.

U do barely anything, you should be paid barely anything.

Agreed, the responsibility of carrying dozens of passengers should be given to anyone who is capable of touching their nose with their index finger. :rolleyes:

Seriously the screening at STM is pretty hardcore, I don't think anyone would go through the hassle of their screening, hiring and training programs for 12$ an hour.

There's alot of things wrong with the STM, but it always pisses me off when people attack a working man's salary, instead of those who are managing. If 50K a year driving a bus is so fucking awesome, you should go do it.
think they would still have a shitload of applicants for $35k a year.

also, you need to factory in their golden retirements, so their $50k salaries are worth a shitloa dmore (probably $80k of a regular salary) because they don't have to put one single cent inside an RRSP...
think they would still have a shitload of applicants for $35k a year.

also, you need to factory in their golden retirements, so their $50k salaries are worth a shitloa dmore (probably $80k of a regular salary) because they don't have to put one single cent inside an RRSP...

Yep and they would have a shitload more people leaving too for better paying jobs. There is huge value in employee retention. More turnover means more liability, more management, more training hours and instructors, and a much bigger HR department. I really don't bus driver salaries are the problem, the STM is expanding and servicing lines that are not viable. In 2010 alone they increased their services lines by 18.6%, but only increased passengers by 1.5%. Those are staggering numbers. Why do they do this? Because they can. Everytime they have a deficit they go crying to the gov't for more money and some new tax is introduced. That's the problem, not the bus drivers salary.
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Faudrais taxer la STM pour la pollution dans ce cas, avec tout les autobus vide qui se promenent.

C02 emissions Honda Fit: 77g per km
C02 emissions city bus: 822g per km

With one driver in the Fit, you need approx. 11 passengers in a bus to match the emissions of a small car.

Put four people in that Honda Fit, and you need 42 people in the bus.

J'avais fait une présentation justement sur ça sujet dans le cadre d'un cours de communication à l'université (moi en ingénierie, mais la classe était 50% science sociale).

J'avais sorti les émanation polluante d'autobus (du département du transport de la Californie) et backait tous mes calculs par du data d'organisme publique.

Me suis fait huer pendant la présentation :)
J'avais fait une présentation justement sur ça sujet dans le cadre d'un cours de communication à l'université (moi en ingénierie, mais la classe était 50% science sociale).

J'avais sorti les émanation polluante d'autobus (du département du transport de la Californie) et backait tous mes calculs par du data d'organisme publique.

Me suis fait huer pendant la présentation :)

c'est pas toujours facile de faire accepter la véritée
the big problem is that we live in an expansive country, coupled to the fact that there are limited access points to the island.
There's only so many ways we can plan routes. In the end, yes, you can travel from one place to the next, but it may take 2-3 hours to get there.
les transports en commun paient les viaduc, les routes, les infrastructure de la route...ah bon je savais pas, les automobilistes paient LARGEMENT plus que leurs parts. Augmenté le prix du billet c toute, vous voulez un service gold ben payé pour, c'est pas compliquer. Si je vais chez subway c moi qui paie mon extra bacon, pas le voisin. Société d'hyppie de marde sur le bord de la faillite.
Pas besoin de les égorger, ils vont crever plus facilement et souvent de maladies liées à la pollution de l'air...

L'Amérique du Nord continue de sombrer dans sa triste logique de "tout pour l'auto" instituée dans les années 50 - 60...

Il faut faire marche arrière avant que ce ne soit trop tard. Mais quand on a le cul au chaud dans le siège de sa voiture...
Il va falloir changer vos habitudes et vos priorités au niveau du transport. Le développement du transport en commun est la seule solution. Maintenant faut payer pour toutes ces années d'insouciance meurtrière.

Je ne dis pas que c'est beaucoup mieux en Europe, le diesel n'arrange rien aux ennuis de santé de la population, mais au moins, le prix des carburants et autres taxes d'immatriculation freinent beaucoup plus l'utilisation de la voiture.

Sois pas désolé... ... enfin, si, tu peux, vu que tu fais parti du problème.

Mais dis moi, comment t'as calculé que tu payais plus que largement les conséquences de l'utilisation de ton véhicule ?

This statement is so scientifically wrong, I don't even know where to start. I pity you man.
I would to see the day where they dismantle this big government bullshit system. It's unsustainable, it's falling apart.

To even attempt to Deindustrialize our system by banning or limiting the use of cars is absolutely ludicrous.
Le principe du pollueur payeur n'existe pas non plus au Québec. Heureusement pour les automobilistes, malheureusement pour la population.

C'est pour cela qu'il faut prioriser les transports en commun avant les chars, quelque soit le coût...
Not rly... plus ta une grosse cylindree plus que tes immatriculations augmentent

Stop being naive. You know that thing there, the one day in MOntreal without your car bullshit is to acclimatize people to 1 week without your car, then 1 month without your car etc.. I love how lefties always deny they are trying to implement something, Agenda 21? Doesn't exist, Ban on Semi-Autos, Doesn't exist, Indoctrinating kids? Does exist.
Depuis quelques annees , tout les non-sens que jvois dans les haute-spheres dla societee et qui sont ensuite vehiculer dune facon douteuse dla part des medias me depriment... for fucking real...