La Régie de l'Assurance Automobile du Québec (Tout le monde en parlait).


Active member
Je sais que c'est un sujet qui a été couvert une multitude de fois, tout de même je voulais partager ce vidéo d'une série appellée ''Tout le Monde En Parlait'', j'ai vu cet épisode traîtant de Lise Payette et de ce qu'elle à su apporter à cette table qu'est le Québec. Je l'ai regardé à nouveau, surtout après de longue discussions avec ma soeur et le beau-frère qui résident en Ontario. Nous avions discutés des coûts etc etc, et c'est vraiment triste de voir le point auquel nous avons commencer (lol) à nous faire baiser comme il faut: et ce sans la moindre raison valable.

Ce thread serait nice afin de ''benchrace'' les multiples possibilités que nous pourrions mettre en place afin de faire ''rewind''.

PS: ce thread n'est pas ici afin de s'envoyer chier, de blaster le gouvernement ni de comparer à ce qu'il se passe de l'autre côté de l'océan. Constructif et dans le respect s.v.p.

ps#2: Props à Lise Payette.

Stay Thirsty My friends...
Très bon reportage. I think we pay way too much for what we get in return. Everything we get from Transport Québec is a joke. Look at our roads, how long they take to fix them, how much money they say it'll cost then they raise that amount by 10.. I could go on forever. Our government is corrupted when it comes to road contracts and whatnot. All we need is a smart government, we need to get rid of those liars and thieves.
Très bon reportage. I think we pay way too much for what we get in return. Everything we get from Transport Québec is a joke. Look at our roads, how long they take to fix them, how much money they say it'll cost then they raise that amount by 10.. I could go on forever. Our government is corrupted when it comes to road contracts and whatnot. All we need is a smart government, we need to get rid of those liars and thieves.

The problem does not rest strictly upon those ''liars & thieves'' it starts by: like mentionned in the video people who just see opportunity and advantage and want to get their fingers wet.

Again, this is not a thread to bash the governement and call people out.

Let's bench race some viable solution for the hell of it, constructive arguments are more than welcome!

i.e. custom license plates, tolls (and where), which roads should be concetrated on and what not, what else and where would you go get money to better the problems!
wtf is "bench race" you mean benchmark?

we can't even pay our licences/driver's licence by credit card and/or online (except if you are with only 2 specific banks)
we don't have personalized licence plates
we have a stupid no fault system that makes the motorcyclist pay WAY too much because their "account" pays even when they are not responsible

you either are fully un-categorized or you are fully categorized. The SAAQ is half-and-half and it's ridiculous. It should either be like private insurance, where EVERYTHING affects your amount (age, experience, record, type of car, etc) or liek a true public no-fault system where EVERYONE pays the same, car, bike, truck, sports car, girl, boy, old, young... Now they just split whatever they want (4.0L+, sportsbike, regular bikes, motorcycles, cars, etc).

I can go on forever.

The system is too heavy and retarded to make it efficient.