Hot New Game Called "Knockout"

Race aside (because we all know MR is full of racists, which is probably an indication of the general population), I sincerely wish that ANYBODY who would do such a thing to another innocent human being would die a terrible death. I'd love to see a punk try that on somebody, only to have them get shot in the head.
Esti de m'enrage au plus haut point.
C'est eux dans 10ans qui vont tuer pour le fun.
Avoir un enfant et savoir qui fait ca, je le knock 10fois de suite moi meme.

If one of those nig, i mean clowns, would find it a good idea to try this outrageous "game" on me, he better knock me out with that first punch because if i manage to stand back up, what will be left of his face after i'm finished will be nothing but splattered stew all over the fucking ground.

For certain human beings to have no sense of moral, ethics or any sort of feelings like this is just crazy, and scary. Bunch of fucking animals should be locked up in cages.
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If one of those nig, i mean clowns, would find it a good idea to try this outrageous "game" on me, he better knock me out with that first punch because if i manage to stand back up, what will be left of his face after i'm finished will be nothing but splattered stew all over the fucking ground.

For certain human beings to have no sense of moral, ethics or any sort of feelings like this is just crazy, and scary. Bunch of fucking animals should be locked up in cages.
Sauf si tu tombe comme une poche de patate et te fracasse la tete sur le sol :rolleyes:
If one of those nig, i mean clowns, would find it a good idea to try this outrageous "game" on me, he better knock me out with that first punch because if i manage to stand back up, what will be left of his face after i'm finished will be nothing but splattered stew all over the fucking ground.

For certain human beings to have no sense of moral, ethics or any sort of feelings like this is just crazy, and scary. Bunch of fucking animals should be locked up in cages.

even if you survive the instant knockout, either of this will happen;
a) you get another sucker punch while you are stunned to really knock you out
b) you try to attack the mofo back and then gets jumped by bunch of those apes, and then get knocked out

good luck man
And heres one of the reason why i started mma lesson. No one will ever fuck me up like that.
even if you survive the instant knockout, either of this will happen;
a) you get another sucker punch while you are stunned to really knock you out
b) you try to attack the mofo back and then gets jumped by bunch of those apes, and then get knocked out

good luck man

You're probably right, but it makes me less frustrated to imagine that type of scenario. lol

Bunch of cowards. They either attack you in numbers or jump on you when you least expect it.

Talking of mma, it reminds me of a video where a guy and his girlfriend were walking and another guy tries to rob him i think, but he didn't know the guy he was robbing was a mma fighter or a boxer and he got knocked the fuck out lol.
You're probably right, but it makes me less frustrated to imagine that type of scenario. lol

Bunch of cowards. They either attack you in numbers or jump on you when you least expect it.

Talking of mma, it reminds me of a video where a guy and his girlfriend were walking and another guy tries to rob him i think, but he didn't know the guy he was robbing was a mma fighter or a boxer and he got knocked the fuck out lol.
Just found it. Finally i wasn't exactly right with my description but basically the dude seems to hit the guy's girlfriend and both him and the other guy get owned lol.

Im talking about street fights...those knockout were done by professional fighters...not by some ti counes in the street :p

and this isn't any street fights either. Your MMA training skillz is nada in those situations. You'd be the most successfull MMA fighter you wouldn't do shit if someone sucker punches you from behind.

My friend who's been a bodyguard for 8 years and is still a goon in a senior hockey league got sucker punched this week-end at la cage aux sports while taking a piss. The guy used a brass knuckles and went boom straight on his face/eye.
My friend got K.O. on the first hit and fell on the floor in his blood.

The guy left the scene running without paying his bill, but at least the police found him and he's in jail as we speak.
Ce genre de merde donne envie de sortir un cheval, d'la bonne vieille corde, une bouteille de whiskey et de faire un bon vieux lynchage.

Encore la, comme un membre l'a mentionné, imaginez le ''shock'' nationale que ça causerait si une gang de blanc se mettaient à knockout des black dans la rue sans raison....