Hot New Game Called "Knockout"

pas le bon thread lol

Avez-vous remarqué que tous le long du reportage on voit JUSTE des gang de noirs fesser sur des victimes innocentes blanches. Personne n'a crié au racisme encore... Bizzare hein?

Pourtant, si on avait ici un vidéo de gang de blanc fessant sur des victimes innocentes noirs, on aurait déjà 10000 post du genre "WASCISTTTT!!!"

C'est fou comment de nos jours y'a deux poids deux mesures.

Content de voir qu'il voit la même chose que moi. Si c'était des gang de blancs qui se promèneraient et feraient ça à des noirs innocents il y aurait déjà des émeutes aux usa.
Not the most reliable source but:
In the early hours of Thanksgiving morning, three Bronx thugs who were out for a game of “Knock Out” with what they thought was an unsuspecting victim, a white male in his late fifties to early sixties, got more than they bargained for.

The three men, all in their early twenties, were trailing the man down Morris Park Avenue, heading toward Williams Bridge Road when their prey veered into an alley way. They followed him into the alley and around a sharp, dark bend, only to find the barrel of a .45 magnum waiting on them. Two of them men were shot in the foot and the third was pistol whipped. Authorities nearby responded to 911 calls reporting the gunfire and called for ambulances. The men were taken to nearby Calvary Hospital where they were treated and released.
