Une femme morte étranglée par son Hijab ce matin à la station de métro FABRE

pas au canada mais une autre raison de dire que cest pas sécuritaire!


Temporary employment agency worker Amina Diaby was on the job just two weeks when she died in a North York bakery. Her head scarf got sucked into a machine and strangled her — an industrial accident to which there were apparently no witnesses.

That is what a provincial offences court heard last September when Fiera Foods pleaded guilty for failing to ensure that 23-year-old Diaby’s loose clothing was secured around machinery. The company, which was the subject of a Star undercover investigation last year, was fined $300,000 for the offence.

But documents recently obtained by the Star show there was an employee working with Diaby at the time of her death. According to the documents, he did not know how to help her when she became entrapped, and he did not understand how to use the machine’s emergency stop buttons.

also: same shit accident de go kart en 2010 Australia:


Also 2017 Turkey:


Also maybe the first one, a vintage one https://clickamericana.com/topics/c...sadora-duncan-killed-in-bizarre-accident-1927

Darwin fait son chemin
About religion: People who are uneducated NEED religion because they haven't received the MORAL education that drives modern society. If you think about it, many laws stem from original "commandement" type religious orders which were used back then to control the population.

Thou shalt not kill (obviously) steal, and so on were probably invented originally by someone who realized that threatening the uneducated with prison time didn't work and thought up the whole "eternal damnation" thing to dissuade wrongdoers.

Eventually - probably thanks to schools becoming more commonplace - humans grew out of that phase and added/changed laws for them to be better defined and also loosened up the whole "no adultery" thing - at least in the west. (I say that because to commit adultery in Islamic countries still brings a death warrant.)

Now the question is, how many of these religious fanatics are just uneducated (or brainwashed) and how many are just knob-heads?
About religion: People who are uneducated NEED religion because they haven't received the MORAL education that drives modern society. If you think about it, many laws stem from original "commandement" type religious orders which were used back then to control the population.

Thou shalt not kill (obviously) steal, and so on were probably invented originally by someone who realized that threatening the uneducated with prison time didn't work and thought up the whole "eternal damnation" thing to dissuade wrongdoers.

Eventually - probably thanks to schools becoming more commonplace - humans grew out of that phase and added/changed laws for them to be better defined and also loosened up the whole "no adultery" thing - at least in the west. (I say that because to commit adultery in Islamic countries still brings a death warrant.)

Now the question is, how many of these religious fanatics are just uneducated (or brainwashed) and how many are just knob-heads?

Yep, je spreaderai jamais assez ce message:

Why Did God Create Atheists?
There is a famous story told in Chassidic literature that addresses this very question.

The Master teaches the student that God created everything in the world to be appreciated, since everything is here to teach us a lesson.

One clever student asks “What lesson can we learn from atheists? Why did God create them?”

The Master responds “God created atheists to teach us the most important lesson of them all — the lesson of true compassion.

You see, when an atheist performs an act of charity, visits someone who is sick, helps someone in need, and cares for the world, he is not doing so because of some religious teaching.

He does not believe that God commanded him to perform this act.

In fact, he does not believe in God at all, so his acts are based on an inner sense of morality. And look at the kindness he can bestow upon others simply because he feels it to be right.”

“This means,” the Master continued “that when someone reaches out to you for help, you should never say ‘I pray that God will help you.’ Instead for the moment, you should become an atheist, imagine that there is no God who can help, and say ‘I will help you.’”

—Martin Buber, Tales of Hasidim Vol. 2 (1991)
wow tout un karma

Il assure que ses employés ont averti « à plusieurs reprises » la jeune femme des risques associés au port de ce foulard lors d’une course de kart.

On essaie de les avertir, mais souvent elles se fâchent contre nous
Laissez les faire estie! Laissez les se tuer, ceux qui vont se reveiller c'est ceux que tu veux sauver. Les autres, qui s'arrangent
Croire au plus vieux comptes qui ont été inventé il y a 2000 ans alors que l'électricité, la démocratie, l'équité des sexes n'existaient pas encore. Moi jsuis sur que leurs dieux en haut sont genre " Ok wtf gang, ca c'étais il y a 2000 ans, évoluer un peu, c'est le message l'important pas ta kippa ou ton voile. Lâche ton osti de croix et vie heureux"

Envoyé de mon SM-A530W en utilisant Tapatalk

Yen a des plus vieux que ça qui sont tout aussi cave
c’est genre la 3eme au quebec en kart.
et parlons des tamouls pas de casque en moto. doit nous couter cher en frais de santé ces tamoul là

Rectifions les faits:
- Les tamouls ont jamais demandé de pas porter de casque à moto.
- Ça nous coûte rien en frais de santé parce qu'ils portent un casque.
- Si un jour les tamouls faisaient la demande de pas porter de casque, que c'était approuvé et qu'un tamoul pas de casque ait un accident et se blesse à la tête, ben ça te coûterait pas une cenne de frais de santé pareil! C'est la SAAQ qui paie les frais de santé des accidentés de la route via la contribution d'assurance que tu payes sur ton permis et tes plaques et ton permis de moto (si t'en a un)..
Rectifions les faits:
- Les tamouls ont jamais demandé de pas porter de casque à moto.
- Ça nous coûte rien en frais de santé parce qu'ils portent un casque.
- Si un jour les tamouls faisaient la demande de pas porter de casque, que c'était approuvé et qu'un tamoul pas de casque ait un accident et se blesse à la tête, ben ça te coûterait pas une cenne de frais de santé pareil! C'est la SAAQ qui paie les frais de santé des accidentés de la route via la contribution d'assurance que tu payes sur ton permis et tes plaques et ton permis de moto (si t'en a un)..
Et la saaq prend son argent ou??

À moins que j'ai mal lu et que tu suggère que l'exemption inclurait une clause de couverture de frais de santé??
Et la saaq prend son argent ou??

À moins que j'ai mal lu et que tu suggère que l'exemption inclurait une clause de couverture de frais de santé??

Je l'ai inscrit plus haut, elle le prend de la contribution d'assurance, pas de tes impôts pour les frais de santé.


Ça ne sera pas long haha, à moins que on fasse encore notre société distincte (rare que c'est une bonne chose) et qu'on dise non à cette demande ridicule.

C'est pas nouveau que les Sikh aient fait la demande. Ça date d'il y a longtemps et c'est connu.

Les Tamouls eux n'ont pas fait de demande. Ils ne portent pas de turban donc ça me surprendrait que ça arrive mais on sait jamais.