Garage condo... This is awesome!


MR staff member

This isn’t your ordinary garage, nor is it built in your ordinary garage location (next to your house). This particular “car hole” as Moe Syzlack would call it, is built in the AutoMotorplex in Minneapolis. “Whats that?” I hear you say. Well it’s a large estate where gear-heads can build their massive dream garages collectively, creating a community of epic car dwellings. Think of it as a small city where instead of buildings, you have garages. Sound like heaven to you? Yeah, me too!






more pics on the website.

Imagine living there. Everyone is a car enthusiasts and they all have sweet cars.
This isn’t your ordinary garage, nor is it built in your ordinary garage location (next to your house). This particular “car hole” as Moe Syzlack would call it, is built in the AutoMotorplex in Minneapolis. “Whats that?” I hear you say. Well it’s a large estate where gear-heads can build their massive dream garages collectively, creating a community of epic car dwellings. Think of it as a small city where instead of buildings, you have garages. Sound like heaven to you? Yeah, me too!

Moe Syzlack...

Moe Syzlack

Moe Syzlack

Moe Syzlack

Chus sure qu'il voterait des lois contre ça au Québec.

NOTE : faut qu'il y aille une pompe avec du 116 au boutte du parking !
These things are actually poping up in a few places and I think it's a really great idea. I'd be interested in something similar in the future when I'm done with immediate needs.
I wonder if this kind of house is more expensive to build than a regular house of that similar size.
If i ever buy land and build house it will be definitely something like that
That obviously wouldn't be your permanent home, people who owned a place like that would have another house/condo somewhere else as well.
I was gonna say it first, but VR6 beat me to it. This isn't really a condo so much as it is a garage with a "chill space" on the second floor. There's no bedroom anywhere in the plans.
A ma job on est situe dans des condos industriel et un s'est faite quelque chose comme ca mais la partie condo est bcp plus elaboree. Y met ses voitures de courses dans la partie garage. Il ne peut pas mettre son adresse principale la par contre vu que c'est zone commercial.