Maybe it is time to turn to the private sector to supplement public transit...


New member
Clearly the STM business model is unsustainable and to continuously ask taxpayers to contribute more with new "taxes" is irresponsible. As citizens, we already give away too much of our tax dollars to dysfunctional municipal & provincial governments.

Maybe it is time to supplement the network with a private alternative, one where you have no liability to pensioners who suck up a great percentage of the revenues to maintain their lifestyles...

10 demandes de la STM au gouvernement du Québec

1. Hausser les revenus du Fonds des réseaux de transport terrestre (FORT), qui finance les travaux routiers et les réseaux de transports en commun.

2. Hausser à 30% la part des transports collectifs dans les investissements de transport du Plan québécois des infrastructures 2013-2023 (2,2 milliards de plus sur 10 ans, selon le plan actuel).

3. Augmenter la contribution de Québec à la SOFIL et hausser la part des transports en commun dans ses dépenses.

4. Donner priorité aux transports collectifs dans le nouveau Fonds Chantiers Canada.

5. Consacrer les 2/3 du Fond Vert (provenant des recettes du marché du carbone) pour l'amélioration des transports collectifs.

6. Hausser la taxe régionale sur l'essence de 5 cents par litre, à raison de 0,5 cent par année, pendant 10 ans, pour financer la part municipale des transports collectifs.

7. Hausser et indexer les droits d'immatriculation sur tout le territoire métropolitain. Soumettre les véhicules commerciaux aux droits d'immatriculation pour les transports collectifs.

8. Prélever la taxe sur l'essence en pourcentage des achats de carburant, au lieu d'un montant fixe par litre, pour indexer la contribution des automobilistes.

9. Maintenir le tarif L réservé aux clients industriels d'Hydro-Québec pour l'alimentation en électricité du métro (voir autre texte).

10. Financer adéquatement le transport adapté. Québec finançait 75% des coûts de ces services jusqu'en 2012. Le financement actuel couvre seulement 58% des coûts, dit la STM.

Source: STM, consultations prébudgétaires 2014-2015
How about we get rid of public sector unions. That would be a good start.

But, but...what will happen to "le beau modèle de société Québécoise" ???

I am all for dismantling the unions...I think this should be the primary mandate of all Quebec political parties moving forward, including the municipal.

Did you see the staggering numbers at the municipal level, half of the budget is for payroll and over 10% is for pension plans which have exploded over the past decade.

Crush the unions I what the Americans did to the big three. Guess what, in doing so they saved the industry...
600 millions de revenues + 550 millions de subvention (Municipale/Provincial) et ils sont encore dans le trou.

J'ai hate de voir le jour où que le monde vont VRAIMENT prendre le transport en commun ou ben que les voitures électriques vont représenter une plus grosse part du parc automobile.

"Hausse la taxe d'essence, on a besoin de plus de revenu pour 2022"
"Désolé Pauline, même si on double la taxe sur l'essence de 75% à 150%, ça nous donnera juste 100 millions de plus"

"Mmmm, ok, hausse l'impot sur les riches"
"Désolé encore Pauline, tous les riches ont crisser leur camp quand t'as instauré l'impot à 99.9% au revenu supérieur au revenu minimum"

"Bon...ok, hausse la taxe sur les redevances minières"
"Va falloir trouvé autre chose Pauline, y reste juste des compagnies subventionnées à coup de 350 millions au Québec"
Clearly the STM business model is unsustainable and to continuously ask taxpayers to contribute more with new "taxes" is irresponsible. As citizens, we already give away too much of our tax dollars to dysfunctional municipal & provincial governments.

Maybe it is time to supplement the network with a private alternative, one where you have no liability to pensioners who suck up a great percentage of the revenues to maintain their lifestyles...

I haven't looked anywhwere really, but do you really think there is a public transport system in a North American major city that works without taxpayers money?

Maybe the STM is under financed compared to other major city Public Transport systems. Maybe it's managed poorly. Maybe there is waste. Maybe we, who don't work there don't really know what we are talking about.
I haven't looked anywhwere really, but do you really think there is a public transport system in a North American major city that works without taxpayers money?

Maybe the STM is under financed compared to other major city Public Transport systems. Maybe it's managed poorly. Maybe there is waste. Maybe we, who don't work there don't really know what we are talking about.

Why not create a second service provider to compete against the STM?
The STM is fucking pathetic, already that theyve increased their fares enough, but the service is a joke. Sure theyve got a big network and in theory its a great concept but they dont have their shit together. The green line is a joke and always down, not to mention the busses that oftentimes dont even show up.
Why not create a second service provider to compete against the STM?

Yes why don't you? Hopefully you weren't expecting the government to create this second service provider...

If the private sector isn't doing it, maybe it's because it's not viable. But, if I understand some MR members, if it cannot make a profit, then the government should not finance it. That makes no sense at all. Then why do we have roads and traffic lights and sewer systems etc...

In society, there will always be services that are offered even though they can never make a profit by their own.
The STM is fucking pathetic, already that theyve increased their fares enough, but the service is a joke. Sure theyve got a big network and in theory its a great concept but they dont have their shit together. The green line is a joke and always down, not to mention the busses that oftentimes dont even show up.

The choice is between : Raising Fares or Raising Taxes. Which one will insure most people keep using the service?
Can you imagine the city without a public transport system. No Metro, no busses, no trains, no bixi etc... Then the poor can't go to work, and the rich are stuck in traffic.
The private sector will not start a company to replace a money losing "public sector" service.

we are going to pay one way or the other. Either they charge the user (utilisateur - payeur) which means the fares will skyrocket. Or they raise taxes somewhere (income, fuel, municipal etc)
Yes why don't you? Hopefully you weren't expecting the government to create this second service provider...

If the private sector isn't doing it, maybe it's because it's not viable. But, if I understand some MR members, if it cannot make a profit, then the government should not finance it. That makes no sense at all. Then why do we have roads and traffic lights and sewer systems etc...

In society, there will always be services that are offered even though they can never make a profit by their own.

Peu importe la raison ou la situation, les gens ne peuvent tout simplement plus payer ici. On a atteint la saturation de taxes et d'augmentations de tarifs sur a peu pres tout. Tournons ca comme on veut, parlons ''d'investissements'' pour désengorger les routes, de maintenance, de manque de financement, de vision future, d'amélioration, de la sauvegarde de l'environnement et de la qualitée de l'air, ca marche plus. Ya plus d'argent dans les poches des gens. Trouvons autre chose.
Yes why don't you? Hopefully you weren't expecting the government to create this second service provider...

If the private sector isn't doing it, maybe it's because it's not viable. But, if I understand some MR members, if it cannot make a profit, then the government should not finance it. That makes no sense at all. Then why do we have roads and traffic lights and sewer systems etc...

In society, there will always be services that are offered even though they can never make a profit by their own.

They don't need to make a profit , just break even . All you need is good management . Why bother with good management , will just give higher wages to everyone all the time and when we run outta money , we'll ask the government , they have to give it to us