WTT your bike for a tint! Echange pour teintage

Installations GTH

Shop Representative
J'ai besoin d'un bicycle pour moi et ma Femme...

Si Tu as un ...

PM moi!

Je suis un sponser sur MR Je fais les vitres teintees...

Like it says, looking for a bike for myself and my Wife, if you have anything I love trades


PS I know it is not the right section but this one gets the most action

I will post it in for sale too....
Jo doing really great job



J'ai besoin d'un bicycle pour moi et ma Femme...
Si Tu as un ...
PM moi!
Je suis un sponser sur MR Je fais les vitres teintees...
Like it says, looking for a bike for myself and my Wife, if you have anything I love trades
PS I know it is not the right section but this one gets the most action
I will post it in for sale too....

You're not fooling anyone, I know where you're really going with these "trade (insert item here) for free tint" threads...

Jokes aside, I think it's great. Barter system FTW.