Bombardier aero supprimera 1800 emploies

C'est pas nouveau... c'est comme pour les firmes d'ingénéries... les jobs de déplacent d'une compagnie à une autre.
I would be ecstatic if they would reach $10, let alone $20. I am averaging $4 right now and remain hopeful that by 2016 we should see things turn around...

I'm optimistic about it personally. Aerospace is being restructured, and there's been a lot of interest in the upcoming Global 7k/8k. Hopefully once the C-series sorts its teething issues, it'll start pulling in more orders as well. Dropping Guy Hachey should help a bit as well, he didn't seem to be very good at running the division...

Sent from the 90's using 3S-GTE
It seems as if u get a job with bombardier , u gotta look for another job in the following year. Why would any wanna go through that
It seems as if u get a job with bombardier , u gotta look for another job in the following year. Why would any wanna go through that
i don't know..i've been there since 2005...our business unit is still going strong...
Si j'me trompe pas, bombardier Aeronautique n'appartien plus, ou presque plus à la Famille...

Ils ont seulement conserver récréatif...m'essemble??!

ils detiennent controle de Bombardier Inc. (donc BA + BT) et ils ont en ce moment controle de BRP aussi (Bain Capital a vendu une portion de son stake dans les mois precedents).
It seems as if u get a job with bombardier , u gotta look for another job in the following year. Why would any wanna go through that

must be all they can find? I have friends at Bombardier transport (trains) and they have no issue there.

when I had an offer at Bombardier the salary and conditions really sucked (production engineering), I really don't know what other than the brand recognition, Bombardier has going on for people to want to work there.
J'suis assembleur là-bas, même s'ils disent que le lay off est plus du côté administratif, je prend pas de chance et je hold les dépenses juste au cas ou j'me fais slacké. C'est chiant d'apprendre ça pendant les vacances, j'ai hâte d'en savoir plus au retour, ça va jaser!